Bubba's mothers house 'Are you crazy or just plain stupid?'
This is a private residence located on Lady's Island on Lucy Creek. I knocked on the door several times to no avail to ask if we can take photo's. If you would like to submit a photo, please contact me along with the film name and grab number (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image) I will give you credit for your information, thanks
Click here to go to the contact form
(Click on the (2007) photos for a better & larger image)
Here are a couple of photo's of what the front and side of the house looks like.
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
We recently had an e-mail from Barry Melton from Decatur, IN. Barry tells us 'Here are different views of Bubba's house, located right behind the dock (which was used in the shrimp boat scenes on Ladys Island. Thanks Barry for the information and photographs.
Bubba grave This is where Bubba is buried
(Click on the (1994) Stills for a better & larger image)
Do you recognise the cemetery or can you confirm where these scenes were shot? (We received confirmation this was not shot at Bonaventure cemetery, Savannah.) Any help is greatly appreciated, please contact me along with the film name and grab number (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image)
Jenny A boat named Jenny
The hurricane was filmed on the port of Port Royal. Some of the shrimp boat scenes and also (Jenny) the boat were from Golden Fish Dock, which is still operated by a family on St Helena Island. Gay fish company on Hunters Island was also used in some scenes.
Who gave us this tidbit of information. 'The shrimp boat was eventually sold to one of the worlds in Florida. It is called the tide runner by documentation.' Thanks Steve We recently had an e-mail from Barry Melton from Decatur, IN. Barry tells us 'The shrimp boat "Jenny" belonged to a local shrimper named Jim Stanley. The boat's real name was actually called the "Miss Sherri". In the movie, when Forrest first gets the boat and the bow of the boat cruises past your tv screen up-close, you'll notice the area where most boats are named is blank. If you pause it and frame advance through that portion, you can make out the name "Miss Sherri". Stanley sold the boat to Planet Hollywood after the movie. It was cut into 2 pieces, and used for display at these restaurants (not sure exactly which Plant Hollywoods).' Thanks Barry for the tidbits of information.
Thinking about Jenny While Forrest is painting Jenny's name on the boat he thinks of her and what she is doing in her life? She's at a night club doing dope.
The above scenes were filmed at Ambassador Hotel - 3400 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
Forrest first mate Lt Dan on the pier, who becomes Forrest first mate 'That's my Boat'
Bruce Halvorsen took some shots of when Forrest Gump was being filmed for this scene
We recently had an e-mail from Barry Melton from Decatur, IN. Barry tells us 'The dock, used is located in the center of the picture (below left) (the one with the wooden box on top of it) (in the movie it had tires hanging on it) and the photograph (below right) is the seafood market located there. The dock is located on the far right in this picture on Ladys Island. Thanks Barry for the information and photographs. Karsten Gore from Germany contacted us and told us "NICE WEBSITE! Respect, I was looking for something like this for ages (website on Forrest Gump Filming Locations. I searched your Forrest Gump Entry and used Googles Street View to travel around Ladys Island. It took me a while to find, Click here to view Google Earth map"
Thanks to Mandy at Moonbeams on Main Street, Varnville, for providing me the information to get to this church. The church is the Foursquare Baptist Church, Pocotaligo Road, McPhersonville, Hampton ? Stoney Creek Independent Presbyterian Chapel, of Prince William Parish
The Forrest Medical Centre The Forrest Medical Centre 'The 'Bayou Le Batre'
(Click on the (1994) Stills for a better & larger image)
The above scenes were filmed at University of South Carolina?s Performing Arts Centre on Carteret Street. Downtown Beaufort
Forrest goes on a run "That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road, and when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did I ran clear across Alabama."
The location of the scene (upper left) we found by accident really and to be honest I could not even tell you how to get there. The scene in the upper right is the exit from the Chowan Creek Bridge between Lady?s Island and St. Helena.
"For no particular reason, I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean."
The above was filmed at Santa Monica Yacht Harbor and Pier, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California. Thanks to György Fábri who sent us these photographs below.
Greenbow Alabama Thanks to György Fábri who also sent in the photographs below. As you can see in the right photo the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, is a well established resturant chain.
ore running And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going going. When I got to another ocean.
The above scenes were shot at Marshall Point Lighthouse, Marshall Point Road, Port Clyde, Maine. Thanks to Stephen Libby from New York City who had visited Marshall Point Lighthouse back in 2006 and kindly sent us some photo's of how it looks now.
Jean-Francois LeBlanc from Dieppe New-Brunswick, Canada, sent us the photographs below of Marshall Point Lighthouse, Marshall Point Road, Port Clyde, Maine. "I've actually driven a few hours away from my place so I could find the Lighthouse in the Movie Forrest Gump. Do you remember when he starts his running journey, there is a place where he gets to a Lighthouse and turns around, well I was there just yesterday (August 29th 2010). I couldn't wait sending you the picture." "The photograph below left is a picture of my dad, wearing his Bubba Gump Shrimp t-shirt. Below right is me holding a picture of the movie scene." Thanks Jean Francois
Jean-Francois LeBlanc from Dieppe New-Brunswick, Canada, sent us the photographs below of Marshall Point Lighthouse, Marshall Point Road, Port Clyde, Maine. "Inside the Lighthouse is a framed Thank You letter that Paramount Pictures sent to the workers of the Lighthouse. Its kinda cool to see!.There is also a binder that's in the lighthouse, with photographs of the actual filming taking place. " Thanks Jean Francois
Jean-Francois LeBlanc from Dieppe New-Brunswick, Canada, sent us the photographs below of Marshall Point Lighthouse, Marshall Point Road, Port Clyde, Maine. "This is a photograph of Tommy Hocking with Tom Hanks outside the lighthouse. Port Clyde, Maine. A beautifull fishermen's village. We had a very fun time." Thanks Jean Francois.
Running along the highway Forrest runs down a road of wheat and runs across a cobble-stone bridge, Rocky Mountains are behind him in distance.
Tidbits |
Thanks to Kyle, who has been doing some detective work himself and found this great site'click here to visit their website' According to the website Forrest Gump jogged through Montana on his trek across the United States and back. Two scenes shot in Montana appear in the movie. Both were filmed in northwestern Montana in or near Glacier National Park. The golden wheatfields that appear briefly on screen are near Cut Bank, Montana. In another scene, Forrest runs across a stone bridge, with jagged snow-covered mountain peaks in the background. This scene was filmed at the St. Mary Entrance to Glacier National Park. The famous Going-To-The-Sun Road, which crosses Glacier Park, runs from St. Mary on the east side to Apgar Village (where scenes from Beethoven's 2nd were filmed) on the west side. Additional footage, shot along Going-To-The-Sun Road, ended up on the cutting room floor. Jim Hanks, Tom Hanks' real-life brother, doubled as Forrest Gump for the scenes shot in Montana |
When I got.... .......tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went!!!
We recently had an e-mail from Jennifer who lives in Hickory, NC. 'I think the scene where he is running with the wooden fence on either side looks like the Blue Ridge Parkway close to Julian Price Park outside of Blowing Rock, NC. It is not far from Grandfather mountain where the curve scene was filmed.
When I got.... .......tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went!!!
Thanks to Kay Hale and Caitlin Halpert who both told us where the above was filmed "Kay Hale" told us 'It's clearly the Jenne Farm, which is just outside Woodstock, Vermont. It is one of the most photographed farms in the United States. If you were in Woodstock, Vermont, people could describe how to get there. As I remember, it is about 10 miles out of town.' Caitlin tells us 'it's in South Reading Vermont'.
Jenny at work Jenny see's Forrest running while she is working in the cafe
(Click on the (1994) Stills for a better & larger image)

Thanks to Andrew Rhodes from Cincinnati Ohio, who contacted us to say 'The cafe scene where Jenny worked was shot in a cafe in Savannah, GA in the historic downtown area. I was in Savannah last February and the owners showed me the mural that the director had painted on the wall for the shot. The mural is still there, and it's located directly around the corner from a Panera bread, although I cannot remember the address of name. It had just changed owners. One sister had it and then another one took it over. The staff are amazing and friendly!' Thanks Andrew for the information.
Running Interview I just felt like running
(Click on the (1994) Stills for a better & larger image)
This was filmed on Woods Bridge which connects Beaufort with Ladies Island. (Ladies Island is in the background). Thanks to Barry Melton from Decatur, IN. who sent in the photograph and the google snap shot of the location of Ladies Island. Thanks Barry for the information and photographs.
(Click on the (2009) photo for a better & larger image)
New Photo 10th December 2009 |
New Photo 10th December 2009 |
Running Club 'I mean, it was like an alarm went off in my head, you know. I said, here's a guy that's got his act together. Here's somebody who's got it, all figured out. Here's somebody who has the answer. I'll follow you anywhere, Mr. Gump.'
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
Teddy Geiger, a native of Savannah, GA, e-mailed to say the above scene "is DEFINITELY just out of downtown Savannah, heading west on Bay St., The apartments in the background used to be called Yamacraw village or still may be named that. If you would like to submit your own photo, please contact me along with the film name and grab number (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image) I will give you credit for your information, thanks
Click here to go to the contact form
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
Running Club 'I got company'
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
Karen Eagle sent us a message the above location is Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. Karen tells us there is a sign which reads "Forrest Gump Curve."
(Click on the (2009) photos for a better & larger image)
Running to the end's of the earth Forrest: (voice-over) Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company. My Momma always said you got to put the past behind you before you can move on. And I think that's what my running was all about. I had run for three years, two months, fourteen days, and sixteen hours.
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
We were unable to find these filming location, if you recognise the area or worked on the film, could you please send me an please get in contact, any help is greatly appreciated, please contact me along with the film name and grab number (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image) I will give you credit for your information, thanks
Click here to go to the contact form
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
Bumper sticker Man 'Hey, man, hey, listen. I was wondering if you might help me, huh? Listen, I'm in the bumper sticker business and I've been trying to think up a good slogan. And since you have been such a big inspiration to the people around here, I thought you might be able to help me jump into... Whoa! Man, you just ran through a big pile of dogshit! Forrest: "It happens." 'What,' 'shit?'
Forrest: Sometimes.
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
Originally We had an e-mail from Brian Montoya who told us these scenes were shot in Flagstaff, AZ on Beaver Street. Thanks Brian for getting in touch. I e-mailed
Flagstaff Visitor center and received a prompt reply from Florence McGuire "The actual scene was filmed on San Francisco St, in front of the Federal Building. This street is one of the main streets in our Historic District downtown." Florence kindly submitted the photo of the side view of the building. We also received a reply from Heather Ainardi the Public Relations Manager of the Flagstaff Convention & Visitors Bureau, Flagstaff AZ. Heather sent us a photograph looking up San Francisco St in Flagstaff AZ. Thank you ladies for taking time out to view take the photos and reply to my e-mails.
(Click on the photo for a better & larger image)
New Photo 27th August 2008 |
New Photo 25th August 2008 |
Happy face The man looks at the T-shirt. He holds it up displaying the "Happy Face."
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
Thanks to some truck drivers who had e-mailed me to say the truck stop located in the stills above is in Twin Arrows, Arizona. Unfortunately we were unable to visit Arizona on this occasion, if you would like to submit a photo please contact me along with the film name and grab number (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image) I will give you credit for your information, thanks
Click here to go to the contact form
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
'I'm tired now' After 3 years, 2 months fourteen days and sixteen hours later 'I'm tired now'
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
On my first backpacking trip to America, I was taken to where the above Forrest Gump scene were located in Utah. The above photo's were taken on the 16th October 1997 How to get there:- Approaching from the south (the Arizona route), drive to Flagstaff, and then take highway 89 north until you reach highway 160. Take 160 east to Kayenta, and then take 163 north. Follow this highway until you reach mile marker 16 in Utah. Approaching from the north (the Utah route), take highway 70 to Brendel, and then take highway 191 south to Bluff. From there, take highway 163 south to mile marker 16 in Utah. Pull your car over to the side of the road and behold Monument Valley. You will see the buttes and mesas that create the backdrop where Forrest decided to stop running.
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
We had an e-mail from Gayle from Dahlonega, GA. Gayle sent in a photo which was used as a background image on her sons computer.
(Click on the photo for a better & larger image)
Forrest meets Forrest I have some kind virus.
(Click on the (1994) film grabs for a better & larger image)
We recently had an e-mail from Keeley from Savannah, Georgia. Keeley told us "(The above scene) was filmed in Forsyth Park (Savannah, Georgia) at the playground. My aunt was an extra in this scene! If you would like to submit a photograph or additional information please contact us and help us to update the website. As we have sleuthed many locations, please don't forget to include the film grab number and film name (located if you place your mouse pointer over the image.) We will give you full credit for your information, thanks.
Click here to go to the contact form
(Click on the photos for a better & larger image)
Additional and Copyright Information |
Please note, this is a hobby website, the only purpose we use film grabs is to show a direct comparison how buildings, landscapes etc have changed since the time of filming, we do not use the film grabs in any other material. All photographs and homemade videos are (copyrighted) to Roland Keates aka, Filming Locations Detectives, or otherwise specified. Part of the material is not our property and is exposed, we respect copyright laws and only use the film grabs for visual information. No COPYRIGHT infringement intended, however if you require us to remove the film grabs, please inform us so we can immediately see to its removal. If you wish to reproduce anything from this website, please contact us. Click here to go to the contact form to contact me, thanks Roly |