
WikiLeaks, the war diary, animated // Next Media Animation

A new batch of 90,000 documents classified military documents released by the WikiLeaks website have revealed the true cost the war in Afghanistan is having on civilians. The documents detail many new deadly attacks while shedding new light on several other previously reported incidents – drastically increasing the death toll in some cases. Newspaper reports and analysis on the warlogs are available from the New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel.

NMA reports three incidences between August ’07 and September ’09:

This has put renewed focus on military analyst Bradley Manning, the alleged source. Manning has been held in custody since May after being detained in Iraq just days after he allegedly boasted to hacker Adrian Lamo about the leaks in an Internet chatroom. Lamo later informed the authorities. Manning, who has been charged in connection with the earlier “Collateral Murder” leak, faces 52 years in jail if he is convicted on all charges.

NMA reports:

Update: Washington Post columnist Marc A. Thiessen views that WikiLeaks “must be stopped” (2010.08.03).

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