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Dibiase "Skullcrack"
“Director/Editor/Lead Animator: Anthony Ciannamea
CG and Smoke FX: Mark Wisniowski
Illustrations: Ryan Sievert, Lane Fujita, Anthony CiannameaFrom Dibiase 'Machines Hate Me' (Alpha Pup)”
Involves Alpha Pup.
The Icing on the Cake
“Blanca Alvarez and her husband risked crossing the border to immigrate into the U.S. and then struggled to make ends meet. They hoped to shelter their children from these harsh realities, but Blanca's daughter Connie reveals how much children can really see of their parents' lives—and the inspiration they draw from their struggles.
Directed & Produced by: Mike & Tim Rauch
Animated by: Tim Rauch
Designed by: Bill Wray & The Rauch Brothers
Audio Producer: Katie Simon
Music: Fredrik
Label: The Kora Records
Publisher: House of Hassle”Involves StoryCorps.
Po recommended
The Solo Adventures 2D
“This is the winner of "Best Animation" from the Star Wars Fan Film Movie Challenge, sponsored by Lucasfilm. It was shown at Celebration V in Orlando Florida in circular polarized 3D. Here it is in 2D
I am the director, co-writer and stereoscopic supervisor. It was produced as a student film by the June 2010 class at the DAVE school at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida. For more information about the DAVE school see, http://www.daveschool.com”
Involves Daniel L Smith.
Your friends didn't have anything to say yesterday :(