On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 7:19 AM, YouTube Service wrote:
limbsandthings1 has posted a video in response to
Read: http://post.ly/znlt
What they're saying about: "Marlon Brando plays guitar, sings, Tahitian dances" on Facebook - http://facebook.com/video/video.php?v=153237671376705is that a breadfruit in your pants or are you just ua 'amu au i te i'a?
felacity dickmanMarlon Brando in tight pants, a flower in his hair, serenades lovely Tahitian dancers while strumming guitar, eyeballing them seductively, and SINGING!
you, paris oozylips kardashian, lenny smith, meredith yayanos and others like this.i am speechless! there are no words for this ... or, rather there are thousand words for this, but i'll just leave it at - mind boggling!
scott cottereloh marlon.
rachel anne lisiboy did the island curse work on him...no one left ecept sihlo's baby, about now.
taquila mockingbirdi like how the party livens up @ 1:50. are they doing the chicken?
winston wolfeb... more
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