
Trader Blacklist - GSAP - Video Trading

Trader Blacklist

Brendan Richards (from Australia)

I've recently conducted a trade with him in late December 2007 for some Aussie game shows. I've mailed my four DVDs to Brendan, his website (which was gone when GeoCities was closed down) said that at the moment, the maximum turnaround time for my tape (in this case, discs) to be prepared and sent to all traders is three months, unless I notify otherwise. It has been WAY longer than three months, and I've still haven't recieved my discs. On 7/30/08, Brendan aplogized for the delay and I've re-sent him my request list. I haven't heard anything from Brendan since I've recently e-mailed him back in August 2008. I've sent Brendan a message through Facebook early in 2009 about this piece of unfinished business, but his reply wasn't what I was expecting. If anyone gets in touch with Brendan, tell him I'm not trading with him again until he gets around to sending me his DVDs, if ever.

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