
What is donkey punch? Re: What does self defecating mean? "Another Funny Yahoo Answer Fail"



What is donkey punch? Re: What does self defecating mean? I looked it up and I didn't understand "Another Funny Yahoo Answer Fail"

Resolved Question


What is donkey punch?

by I
Member since:
February 11, 2006
Total points:
9170 (Level 5)

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

http://pediapress.com/assets/cover/get_preview_front/?subtitle=Re%3A+What+does+self+defecating+mean%3F+I+looked+it+up+and+I+didn%27t+understand&language=en&title=What+is+donkey+punch%3F&cover_color=&cover_style=nico_0&editor=%22Another+Funny+Yahoo+Answer+Fail%22&collection_id=6deb12942c2f2e60f84bb34e17922e&title_image=File%3AHexaaquatitanium%28III%29-solution.jpgWhen a man and a woman want to express their love for each other, the woman gets on her knees and the man has sex with her anus from behind. While this is taking place, to show her how much he cares, the man sometimes delivers a donkey punch, which is a swift punch to the back of her head when she least expects it. It is a beautiful thing. Women love it.


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