
What does self defecating mean? I looked it up and I didn't understand. PandaZom... Contribute to Oddee.com "Another 12 Funny Yahoo Answers Fails"

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Self defecating?

What does self defecating mean? I looked it up and I didn't understand.
Member since:    May 30, 2008
Resolved Question * 2 years ago

Self-defecating would mean, literally, shitting on oneself.

Self-depracating would be to deface onself, or to put oneself down before others.

--- to defecate, to deprecate, from Compact Oxford English Dictionary ---

defecate /deffikayt/ • verb discharge faeces from the body.

— DERIVATIVES defecation noun defecatory adjective.

— ORIGIN Latin defaecare, from faex ‘dregs’.

Lexico by Lexico Member since:April 25, 2008Total points:13153 (Level 6)

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

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I mean self-deprecating
Member since:    May 30, 2008
Resolved Question * 2 years ago


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