
How can i make my bomboo plant grow big and healthy? | Re: What is donkey punch? Re: What does self defecating mean? "Another Funny Yahoo Answer Fail"

How can i make my bomboo plant grow big and healthy?

i bought this bamboo plant at the store and it comes with water,rocks and the bamboo plant shoul i put it by the window so it can get sunlight?or should i put in a place were it steel gets light but not so much light?

Grey by Grey
Member since:
May 11, 2008
Total points:
1098 (Level 3)

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Bamboo is a grass, so lawn fertilizer orks well on Bamboo. If it's in a pot be sure to use a little and often because too much will make it unhappy and may even kill it. You can tell if you've over done it by the leaves getting very white. Usually they'lol just grow new ones unless you did something really over the top:-)


mrjyn by mrjyn
Member since:
May 23, 2008
Total points:
159 (Level 1)
you should stop worrying about bamboo and go back to school
  • 2 years ago
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