Here are the latest posts from your subscriptions August 3, 2010 ⌐♡‐♡⌐
What does self defecating mean? I looked it up and I didn't understand. PandaZom... Contribute to "Another 12 Funny Yahoo Answers Fails"
Contribute to "Another 12 Funny Yahoo Answers Fails"
This is absolutely the best, and there will never be one better!
Self defecating?
What does self defecating mean? I looked it up and I didn't understand.
- PandaZom...
- Member since: May 30, 2008
- Resolved Question * 2 years ago
Self-defecating would mean, literally, shitting on oneself. Self-depracating would be to deface onself, or to put oneself down before others.
--- to defecate, to deprecate, from Compact Oxford English Dictionary ---
defecate /deffikayt/ • verb discharge faeces from the body. - DERIVATIVES defecation noun defecatory adjective.- ORIGIN Latin defaecare, from faex 'dregs'.Lexico by Lexico Member since:April 25, 2008Total points:13153 (Level 6)Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
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I mean self-deprecating
Member since: May 30, 2008
Resolved Question * 2 years ago
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"French Telephone Stripper Tabatha Cash" Comment
almodovare1 has made a comment on
FBI Demands Its Logo Be Removed From Wikipedia
The FBI is hopping mad at Wikipedia! Apparently they've threatened Wikipedia with legal action if the online encyclopedia doesn't remove a picture of its official seal from the FBI entry at once. Wikipedia's lawyers, while squelching laughter, have replied "no."
Coming Soon: Sign in to Multiple Google Accounts in the Same Browser
via mashable.comIf you use several Google accounts on a daily basis, you would probably like to be logged in to all of them at the same time. You have to use several different browsers to achieve that currently.
zenhabits: 7 Simple Ways To Say "No"
7 Simple Ways To Say "No"
Saying "no" doesn't have to be hard. Image source
Editor's note: This is a guest post from Celestine Chua of The Personal Excellence Blog.
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Video response to "Elvis Wears Turban To Heal Sick Child OR High?"
limbsandthings1 has posted a video in response to Elvis Wears Turban To Heal Sick Child OR High?.
Embedded media -- click here to see it.
Elvis Ann-Margret Viva Las Vegas Book Preview
R. #85
The best of your FriendFeed for the week of August 2
You'll probably thank me at some point or other for reposting this 'Futuristic' Video Tutorial, but for now just poke it with a torch...
Posted via email from Dogmeat