
Frequently Asked Questions about Strip Clubs + Strip Club Glossary + Strip Club Maps by State

Pole Dancer

FEATURE: Frequently Asked Questions about Strip Clubs

+ Strip Club Glossary

+ Strip Club Maps by State

Frequently Asked Questions about Strip Clubs

 Send the Wize Old Man your questions and he will attempt to answer as many as possible.

Write: Dear Wize Old Man.

Q. How can strip clubs use the id information a clubber presents while gaining entry to the club?

I realized they are scanning ID's now. Please advice? Is it a matter of worry? So they send out any marketing material at home ....I am worried please respond?

A. Don't be concerned. Clubs have to verify age and a government issued ID is the only legal way for them to do that. They will not send mail to your house. Even if they did, tell the wife that it's junk mail and throw it away.


Q. What do the "user ratings" in the club listings mean?

A. Actually very little. Users are very inconsistent so we're starting to change the way we post ratings. For starters, unless Everyone is Welcome, and the club is Couple Friendly the maximum rating is going to be an A- no matter how many users give it an A.


Q. How can you find a quality strip club?

A. 1) Read the user comments. 2) Check their website. Generally a clubs website is a good reflection of the club. If the website is "tacky" the club probably is too. If they don't have a website; changes are they are a below average club. Just be aware that some chains use their web site to sell franchises and don't give a very good reflection of the club. 3) If you've been to a chain club in your home town, changes are the clubs in the chain in another state will be similar. Of course liquor and club laws vary so Brand A could be nude and serve liquor in one state and pasties and soda in another.


Q. How old to you have to be to go to a strip club?

A. In the US, some clubs admit 18 year olds. Most require guys to be 21 or over. In Canada most clubs admit 19 year olds.


Q. I want to be a stripper, what are the requirements?

A. Be female and at least 18 (21 in some clubs) and reasonably good looking. Personality is far more important as long as you're not ugly.


Q. What's the average age of strippers.

A. Varies widely. Typically about 23. Most strippers "burn out" in a couple of years and few are over 30. What's typical does not really apply to any individual. The Wize Old Man has know many strippers who didn't reach their peak earning until well into their forties and some that didn't start until 40.


Q. How much do clubs pay strippers.

A. Zero. Strippers have to pay the clubs to work there. They get only tips and; usually, have to tip other staff.


Q. Can you get "laid" at a strip club.

A. Much less likely than at a regular night club. Strip clubs are under such tight scrutiny that any that permit prostitution don't stay open for long. Sadly, clubs have been closed after year long undercover "investigations" where law enforcement is able to convince someone they are a friend and just want to help out. (Sex is legal. Money is legal. Sex for Money is not legal in the Land of the Free.) Also see our article on what wives can expect when their husband or boyfriend goes to a strip club.)


Strip Club Glossary:

Pole Dancer

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Alcohol Law Enforcement.
Bikini Club
(Sometimes called GO-GO clubs.) Dancers wear a conservative two piece outfit. You'll see more at the beach.
Traditionally, Bring your one bottle. Modern, Bring your own beer.
Hostess Club
The customer pays by the hour for the company of a single entertainer. Not a very popular format in the US but some clubs have "sky boxes" that use this concept.
Law Enforcement
Lingerie Club
Generally the object is to sell you the lingerie being modeled. No, they don't take if off when you buy it. In some lingerie clubs the models wear bras. In most all lingerie clubs they wear panties.
Nude Club
The dancers only keep their shoes on. In many clubs the dancers on stage will lay on their back for part of a song exposing the vagina. In any nude club, stage side is always the best view. Private nude dances are almost always a waste of money since the the private areas are seldom private and seldom well lit. In the US, few nude clubs are allowed to sell alcohol.
Pasties Club
The nipples and areola are covered. Many times the covering is latex and not an actual paste on covering. Usually the coating is opaque but may be flesh covered.
Topless Club
Dancers expose the bare breast. By far the most popular venue for a strip clubs in the US.


Strip club and topless bar locations

Pole Dancer



Strip Clubs by State
