
DangerousMinds' reBlogger, Marc Campbell, Nailed! "I could fake it and pretend I have some insight about this video, but I don't"

DangerousMinds' reBlogger, Marc Campbell, Nailed!


 I could fake it and pretend I have some culturally significant insight about this video, but I don’t (sorry man, I didn't get a chance to add the description to my YouTube Channel or Facebook Profile yet)--Marc Campbell (DangerousMinds on Video Blogging)




I could  fake it...Dig?

Posted by Marc Campbell

Bunnies in the cockpit

  •  Bunnies in the cockpit: Hugh Hefner and Roman Polanski aboard the Playboy ‘Big Bunny’ Jet


  • Dangerous Minds is a compendium of the new and strange–new ideas, new art forms, new approaches to social issues and new finds from the outer reaches of pop culture....We like to get suggestions of fun/serious things from our good-looking, high IQ readers. We are your favorite distraction.
  • YouTube
  • Dear Dirtbag:

  • http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-sf2p/hs341.snc4/41380_1003854365_5374_n.jpg

  • i was just in the process of writing you a nice note about REblogging some of my channels and my blogs' videos (see below); then I noticed a pattern--which for a Blogger is as sleazy as it gets: Posting with no attribution MULTIPLE videos (in your case--I guess other pathetic assholes do it via plagiarism, which is another idea you might want to copy), and then cross-posting here:

  • Here's the FIRST of at least 6 (counted so far)

  • Beatles Russian 'Drive My Car' by Vesyolye Rebyata

  • Added: August 28, 2010, 06:37 PM

  • Your videos

    may have content that is owned or licensed by (ME)

Marc Campbell, has REblogged/REposted  to Dangerous Minds (a blog I actually just started to like--I hope he doesn't own it--nah, too original) with 0 attribution--then REuploaded, just as originally (although, why even include the middleman?) to HIS  Vimeo

  • Rip Torn Kicks Norman Mailer's Ass  Maidstone

No action is required on your part (which should be doable); however, if you are interested in learning how this affects your video (or reputation as a brainless serial DICK!), please visit the Cunt ID Matches for more information.

  • limbsandthings1
  • Videos Uploaded: 378
  • Video Views: 903,872
  • (fifth YouTube channel in two years)

 LOOK! BRAINLESS WONDER DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE I'VE REPLACED (or rather, YouTube has disabled it) THE FUCKING AUDIO With PADDINGTON BEAR WMG removed ridiculous Phil Collins Audio so I replaced it with Paddington Bear...AND IT WORKS! BETTER! MUCH MUCH BETTER!) (VERY FUCKING PUNK!)

Vintage Punk Haircuts 1984

http://whatgetsmehot.posterous.com/punk-coiffures-1984 Punk

Added: May 12, 2010, 02:07 PM


2 days ago


Sat, Aug 28, 2010 5:10pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Hausu - i quit around Hausu


here's his shit video i didn't watch

(watch out Dante, he's coming after you)

  • Marc Campbell Austin, Texas WAS  lead singer and songwriter for THE NAILS.
    The Nails released two critically acclaimed albums. Marc's new project TANTRIC MACHINE will be released in 2010.
Po recommended