(Video) Posterous Autopost. Now Simpler than Ever (but are you sure that's the right word: I'm thinking: "over time its elegance will show itself like a math problem")

Over the past few months, we've had a lot of great interactions with our users --- you've sent in your tweets and emails, and we've read every single one (in fact, if you emailed Posterous yesterday, you probably got a response from Jackson, our user experience lead). We've heard a lot from you about how much you love the ease of posting to your different sites and we've also heard a lot of your feedback about how to make autoposting even better.
Using your feedback, we reimagined a new interface for our Autopost feature. In the new design, we give you more control over where your posts are published and who can publish them. We've focused on this aspect because all of us have different social groups; we might have a company softball team with its own Posterous blog and Flickr account, and we might have a personal food blog that we'd like to connect to a Twitter profile. We don't want posts to our food blog to end up on our softball team's Flickr, and vice versa.
With these updates, managing multiple Posterous sites and their associated autopost destinations is much simpler and more intuitive. You can easily link a specific autopost destination to a Posterous site. As the site owner, you can share your autopost sites with your site's contributors, allowing them to post to your Facebook or Twitter account. All of these improvements make autoposting more intuitive, especially for collaborative blogs among teams, classmates, and friends.
To help you check out these updates, Jackson and Alexa made a few screen casts -- Autopost Basics and What's New for Advanced Users. Check them out!
Posted via email from Dogmeat