While the iPad may or may not revolutionize the way we consume media, it does have the potential to enhance the way we eat.
“Let’s start a new life with iDish”Introducing iDish, a new concept by iPad enthusiast shiinaneko that transforms the device into a versatile dinner plate.
Ideal for sushiTo use the iPad as an iDish, simply perform a Google image search to find your dish of choice. For a nice selection of sushi dishes, try searching for “sashimi” and “dish” (刺身, 皿). Display and resize the image, and you are ready to eat.
Aji (horse mackerel) on iDishThe iPhone/iPod Touch can also be used as an iDish. The compact size is suitable for soy sauce or small servings of tofu.
iPhone as iDishOf course, iDish is also suitable for cuisines other than Japanese.
Curry rice and shumai dumplings on iDishThe possibilities are endless.
[Link: shiinaneko]
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