
Vuvuzela Inventor Freddie Saddam Maake's First Video Playlist

Vuvuzela Inventor Freddie Saddam Maake's First Video

Vuvu Vuvuzela Inventor Crazy Saddam Maake Blows
Read the curious story of: Vuvuzela Inventor Freddie Saddam Maake's First Video

Vuvuzela Inventor Maake's First Video

Un supporter sud-africain souffle dans son vuvuzela

Click here to download:
freddie saddam maake vuvuzela.mp4 (5291 KB)

you'll have to deal with the notes: too late for the edit
MONDIAL2010 - Freddie Saddam Maake claimed authorship of the odious trumpet ...

From our special correspondent in Johannesburg

These days, it is the most hated man in the world, but perhaps the most unlucky. While hundreds of thousands of daily vuvuzela sell like hotcakes in South Africa and around the world , Freddie Saddam Maake swear to high heaven that he is the inventor of the object so discredited . It would have tampered with a car horn in the mid 70s (photo required) and have improved his weapon of mass destruction in the eardrum. Except he never thought to file a patent , and that the benefits do not go into his pocket . Or almost none.

" For 1000 rand , we can come to an agreement "

Today, he lives in Tembisa, A township of one million inhabitants, an hour north of Johannesburg , where where North Korea is training. And if it is not a millionaire, he expects to catch up . We got his phone number , and tried to arrange an appointment. "Come to me , I 'll tell you the whole story , " he promised . Except that is not free. " We can reach agreement for 1000 rand ( 100 euros ), "said the old man of 55 years . And yes, he has missed the train to the capital , Saddam Maake Freddie still hopes to hop onto . He has even developed a real business , as journalists , assembled from around the world (Brazil , Poland and Belgium on Thursday, France on Friday ) , all agreed to put the butter in the spinach that bear Bafana Bafana and Kaizer Chiefs.

A margin of 4.40 euros

Trifles , anyway , compared to that daily picks Neil Van Schalkwyk a contractor that Cape Express . en met. Sensing the trend coming , he patented the vuvuzela plastic. Cost of manufacture? Only 60 cents . Average selling price for all the red lights of Johannesburg? Five euros. Unable to make the accounts now. But when you see the tide vuvuzela who invested this world , it is likely that Van Schalkwyk will pay a little more in taxes than Freddie Saddam Maake .

dans son vuvuzela M.Hutchings / REUTERS
MONDIAL2010 - Freddie Saddam Maake revendique la paternité de l'odieuse trompette...

De notre envoyé spécial à Johannesburg,

Ces temps-ci, c'est l'homme le plus détesté du monde, mais peut-être aussi le plus malchanceux. Alors que des centaines de milliers de vuvuzelas se vendent chaque jour comme des petits pains, en Afrique du Sud et partout dans le monde, Freddie Saddam Maake jure ses grands dieux que c'est lui l'inventeur de cet objet si décrié. Il aurait trafiqué un klaxon de voiture au milieu des années 70 (photo à l'appui), puis aurait perfectionné son arme de destruction massive des tympans.
The vuvuzela can she go deaf ?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Anyone came across a game of football World Cup has not been aware that loud noise between the takeoff of a plane and a swarm of bees from the stands of stadiums in South Africa. Responsible for this mess , the " vuvuzela " is debatable. Among potential hearing problems highlighted by the Phonak , critical players and cultural monument of a nation, the organizers do not know what to do ...

Since the beginning of the World Cup 2010 June 9 last, the " vuvuzela " ( pronounced vou -vou -ze -la ) , the horn used by the South African fans , is the nightmare of all players , commentators , journalists, spectators and viewers. In fact, the players no longer get them, or even the referee or the recommendations of their coaches. Even supporters of the songs are completely stifled by the loud and continuous humming . From there to explain the lack of commitment and good football so far , there is only one step it seems still difficult to cross.

As against their indiscriminate use can it affect our hearing? This is the question that the institute " Hear The World " , the company specializes in Phonak hearing aids, has tried to answer .

By testing the volume of a vuvuzela in a room soundproofed , the institute has shown that the volume reached totaled $ 123.4 decibels . It is more than a pneumatic drill to within 5 meters of the ears (120 decibels) or a concert hall where the regulations require not exceed 105 db!...
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From: limbsandthings1
Joined: 9 months ago
Videos: 293

Video (9 Responses)

Vuvuzela Injury Resulted from 4-Hour Blowing Contest

Vuvu Vuvuzela Inventor Crazy Saddam Maake Blows1:30Added to
http://youtube.com/watch?v=J8vRxDKGsbw "Saddam" Maake (READ PROFILE http://post.ly...

Vuvuzela iPhone! Wêird 
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 ➹ Vuvuballela➹ Vuvubal...

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