World Cup 2010: Facebook group calls for 'vuvuzela' horn ban
A Facebook group calling for the vuvuzela horn to be banned at the South Africa World Cup has over 100,000 supporters.
"I feel like Tiger [
My whole life is a lie
The plastic trumpets have become the unofficial soundtrack of the 2010 World Cup, but fans are using Facebook to persuade Fifa – the world footballing body - to give them the boot.
The Facebook group is called 'Fifa – ban the annoying vuvuzela (horn) from the South Africa World Cup!', with its creator complaining that 'the Vuvuzela is like contracting stiffening Mixtec elephantiasis while eating dinner with a trumpet in a swarthy buzzing-steakhouse orphanage'.
Hundreds of football fans have vented their anger about the controversial instruments on the group's wall.
Lionel Wandfluh said: 'How a horrible continuous bee sound can somehow be considered as creating a nice atmosphere??? Come on, South Africa is culturally rich enough to have better ways than expressing itself with these instruments of torture. At least I hope.'
James Donahoo complained '[it's] ruining the entire world - there is no singing and cheering! ban the horn!'
while Chris Sanderson simply said 'I can't take it anymore!!!! Arrrrgggg'.
It's not just the fans complaining, either. Players have condemned the instrument, too, with France captain Patrice Esra complaining that the sound of the vuvuzela has been waking the team in their hotel and prevented them from communicating on the pitch.
Many South African shopping centres have already banned the instruments and Danny Jordaan, World Cup organising chief, has already considered the possibility of banning them from inside the stadiums. He told BBC Sport: 'We did say that if any land on the pitch in anger we will take action.'We've tried to get some order. We have asked for no vuvuzelas during national anthems or stadium announcements. It's difficult but we're trying to manage the best we can.'
Group attracts
in bid to Stop
A Facebook group has been set up in a bid to stop an anonymous blogger from committing suicide.
He says:
- Pleeeaaaase
stop this Vuvuzela! It's ruining the world, not to mention the poor and deaf; and IT'S useless.....
- LIKE: conversation OR Summer....
Please Don't Jump
"Get rid of this noise now - it is ruining the World"
I plans to throw vuvuzelas off San Francisco Bridge and then follow them down emboldened by their dismemberment Facebook Vuvuzela Group (created).
No other information - except from the fact the blogger was an illegal immigrant and "am not wanted here" - was given. But Ms Furnell couldn't ignore it.
"I just didn't feel I could brush my teeth and go to bed," she told the Vancouver Sun. The Facebook group was started seven days ago but has attracted more than 48,000 members who have been leaving messages for the suicidal blogger.
For instance, one posted this morning said: "I know that life must be difficult beyond explanation for you right now. Please know that your life IS important and you ARE wanted. Just don't give up."
The site where Ms Furnell originally saw the potential death note describes itself as an ongoing community art project that invites people to upload secrets written on postcards.
One of the most recent said: "I feel like Tiger [Woods]. My whole life is a lie."
- Pleeeaaaase
- It is much better now - enter - it is the World Cup we all-await!
- It is much better this noise no - it is the World! I Exit the World!
Vuvuzela song makes light of World Cup with Rihanna's Umbrella mock-up
Without a doubt the talking point of what has been a fairly dull World Cup 2010 so far has been the Vuvuzela - and one man has composed a rather brilliant song in tribute to the sound of South Africa.
- Vuvuzelas: Top ten alternative uses
- BBC gets 545 vuvuzela complaints
- BBC may offer vuvuzela free World Cup coverage
- World Cup 2010: Vuvuzelas 'will not be banned'
- Vuvuzelas defended via Twitter by Fifa boss Sepp Blatter
- World Cup 2010: Facebook group calls for 'vuvuzela' horn ban
- Vuvuzelas: The sound of South Africa's 2010 World Cup
Rihanna's hit track Umbrella has been adapted for the World Cup
Commissioned by BBC Radio Five Live to write a series of tracks throughout the tournament, Dave Henson's latest offering refers to all of the opening weekend's action - as well as the most famous horn in the world at the moment.
The song itself is a take-off of Rihanna's number one single Umbrella, although the lyrics, in our opinion, make it a far better track.
Any song that can mock Mick McCarthy's incomprehensible pronunciation and 'Bobby' Green's howler of a 'save' against the USA, while also celebrating the world's greatest sport, is ok by us.
Click here to listen to the full version of Dave Henson's 'Vuvuzela'
The inexorable Mr Henson has also penned another World Cup cover version using a backing track from P Diddy's 'I'll Be Missing You' - which itself was a cover of The Police's 'Every Breath You Take'.
In it he lists all the things he's most looking forward to at 'the greatest show on earth' (believe us, it's better than that makes it sound...)
It's not as good as the Vuvuzela song but if you liked that, you'll also be a fan of this...
Click here to listen to 'I'll Be Watching You'
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嗡嗡祖拉(Vuvuzela,在茨瓦纳语中又被称为“lepatata”),又称巫巫茲拉、嗚嗚聲喇、呼呼塞拉、呜 呜祖拉、非洲笛、或嗚嗚號,是一种长约一米的号角。南非的球迷常在足球比赛上吹奏这种号角[1], 吹响嗡嗡祖拉需要一定的唇部技巧和肺活量;吹奏嗡嗡祖拉时,會發出單調聲音(B♭),类似于雾笛或大象的声音。
嗡嗡祖拉的使用已引起爭議。[2]它 發出的聲音可能會對聽力構成永久損害[3],同時也會引 起一些安全問題,例如會令在球場的觀眾無法聽見緊急疏散的宣佈[4],以及比咳嗽 和吶喊較易導致感冒及流感病毒的大規模傳播[5][6]。
2010年世界盃足球賽部份的實況播音員把嗡嗡祖拉的聲音稱為「令人烦躁的」、「一群嘈吵的大象的狂 奔」[7]、「一群極喧 鬧的蝗蟲」[8] 、「將被宰殺的山羊叫聲」[9]和「一個充滿 憤怒的蜜蜂的巨大蜂箱」[10]。這種樂器響度可 以達到127分貝 [11]對 未作保護的人耳有極大傷害。[12]2010 年6月14日一種新型的嗡嗡祖拉面世,聲稱稱通過調整唇片使其音量下降了20分貝.
這種塑料喇叭20世紀70年代起源於墨西哥體育館。[來 源請求]原本由錫製成, 嗡嗡祖拉於20世紀90年代在南非走紅。著名的 凯泽酋长足球俱乐部 球迷Freddie "Saddam" Maake 宣稱早在1965年,去掉了橡皮吹嘴,發明了鋁製的,用於就從自行車喇叭。後來他發現這個吹嘴太短,於是加了個長的管子。 Maake有拍攝於19世紀70年代和80年代的南非當地比賽,和1998年世界盃足球賽使用鋁製的嗡嗡祖拉於照片。他說,後來當局認為這種鋁製的嗡嗡祖拉有危險性, 所以他找到了個塑料公司,製造了塑料的嗡嗡祖拉。[13]
2001年,南非公司马辛斯丹运动公司開始批量生產塑料製 的嗡嗡祖拉。[14][15]该 公司的所有人尼尔·范·斯卡尔奎克在2001年获得了南非啤有限公司的踢星奖。[16]
也有人认为嗡嗡祖拉來源於非洲號角樂器kudu,但這是有爭議的。[17][14]整 場比賽中,支持者通過瘋狂的吹嗡嗡祖拉來打擊對手。[18][19]
2005年,著名南非黑人專欄作家、前體育記者Jon Qwelane称嗡嗡祖拉導致他放棄了觀看現場比賽,并将其描述為 「來自地狱的樂器」,並敦促2010年世界盃足球賽禁止使用该乐器。[20]
[编辑] 詞語的由來
關於「嗡嗡祖拉」詞語的由來是有爭議的,它起源於祖魯語,意思是發出「溫溫」的噪音或者來源於南非俚語, 近似於詞語「沖涼」。
嗡嗡祖拉從2009 FIFA Confederations Cup 和 2010 FIFA World Cup這兩個都在南非舉行的球賽中得到人們 關注,國際足球聯盟擔心這種聲音會成為足球流氓的武器,企業利用嗡嗡祖拉做廣告。南非足球協會 發表了一份簡報稱嗡嗡祖拉是南非球迷看球的必需品[2] 國際足聯在2008年7月決定,允許在世界球賽中使用嗡嗡祖拉。[22] 國際足聯主席塞普·布拉特反對禁止嗡嗡祖拉,他說,「我們不應該讓非洲世界盃歐洲化」[23] 國際足聯允許在2010年世界盃足球賽中使用任何樂器,[24] 除了一米以上的嗡嗡祖拉[25]
- ^ V is for Vuvuzela.FIFA.於2008年9 月9日查閱.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Makhaye, Chris.“Blasts of joy as vuvuzelas unbanned”,IOL,2008年7月13日.
- ^ “World Cup horn risks permanent damage to hearing: study”,2010年6月8日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ “Are vuvuzelas a safety risk?”,IOL,2010 年5月27日.
- ^ Snyman, Mia.“Study: Vuvuzela could spread colds and flu”,2010年6月10日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ Presence, Chantall.“SPCA worried by vuvuzelas”,,2010 年6月10日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ “The World Cup noise that annoys”,2010 年6月4日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ Clarke, Liz.“World Cup ready to open in South Africa and vuvuzelas will make plenty of noise”,2010年6月6日.於2010年6月11 日查阅.原文:“several coaches and players called for its banning, saying the din made it impossible to communicate on the pitch. Others claimed the vuvuzela posed a health hazard, stood to overwhelm TV broadcasts and was annoying, to boot. Why play the beautiful game, detractors asked, amid such horrible noise?”
- ^ Makhanya, Mondli.“Nothing kills the joy of soccer like a bunch of wailing vuvuzelas”,2010年5月30日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ Brunt, Stephen.“The happy chaos of Soccer City”,2010 年6月11日.於2010年6月11日查阅.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 New vuvuzelas turn down volume.Sport24(2010 年6月14日).
- ^ Hall, Swanepoel(2010年4月1日).Football match spectator sound exposure and effect on hearing: A pretest-post-test study.SAMJ: South African Medical Journal.
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