Vuvuzela invento
Sadaam Maake
Vuvuzela invento
Sadaam Maake
CIA mind control
massive scale
Outblasts chainsaw!
- zmansf6/18/2010 4:54 AM
- The vuvuzela is being utilized by the CIA to test mind control on a massive scale. The messages being transmitted are subliminal and coded deep within the ubiquitous drone.
- I was watching Brazil v. North Korea when I discovered the key to unlocking the code. First: turn up the volume on your TV until the the hairs on the back of your arm stand up. Next: close your eyes to block out any exterior distractions and focus your complete attention on the buzzing cacophony until all other noise is excluded (including the commentators). Tap your foot to a slow but steady 4 count and gradually speed up. If done correctly the secret instructions will form an identifiable prosodic contour - in this case four simple syllables. The test message being broadcast throughout every match in the tournament (thus far) is: watch/ more/ base/ ball. I believe that the government is exploiting this opportunity to test the vuvuzela as a possible masking agent in concert with more advanced mind control technology. Proof of the experiment's efficacy may lie in the fact that after 10 minutes I experienced an irresistible compulsion to switch channels and watch baseball - interleague baseball! NEXT: Is FIFA the unwitting dupe of the CIA/MLB/ESPN triad and how much does Obama know?
Johannesburg - South Africa's vuvuzela, the trumpet that will be a fixture at Soccer World Cup matches, is the loudest of all fan instruments and can cause permanent hearing loss, a global hearing foundation said on Monday.
Soccer governing body FIFA has okayed the plastic trumpet for the tournament, which starts on Friday, after organisers did tests at a match at Johannesburg's 95 000-seater Soccer City due to worries the din could drown out emergency announcements.
While normally reserved for local games, the vuvuzela can now also be heard at warm-up matches and practice sessions ahead of the tournament, even those not involving Bafana Bafana.
The Hear the World Foundation - an initiative formed by Swiss hearing products group Phonak to raise awareness about hearing loss - said tests showed it produced a dangerously loud sound, far out-blasting a chainsaw.
The tests, conducted late last month in a sound-proof studio, found the vuvuzela emitted 127 decibels, more than the air horn - 123.5 decibels - and the Brazil's samba drums.
A referee's whistle was fourth while the cowbell, a favourite in Switzerland and Austria, trailed at 114.9 decibels.
"To put it in perspective, when a sound is increased by ten decibels our ears perceive it as being twice as loud, so we would consider the vuvuzela to be more than double the volume of the cowbell," audiologist Robert Beiny said in a statement.
Hear the World said extended exposure to 85 decibels risked permanent hearing loss and urged fans to use protection, such as ear plugs and ear muffs.
The vuvuzela can be heard across South Africa as football fever grows ahead of the June 11-July 11 tournament, from airports to shopping centres, but at stadiums tens of thousands of people will blow the trumpet, such like constant car hooters in a traffic jam.
Some foreign players complained at last year's Confederation Cup about the din, and Thailand manager Bryan Robson that he was unable to communicate with his players during a friendly against South Africa.
FIFA President Sepp Blatter has defended it, though, saying it as as much a part of local soccer as bongo drums and chanting in other countries.
South Africa coach Carlos Alberto Parriera wants even more noise to help inspire the world's lowly 83rd-ranked Bafana Bafana through its tough Group A matches against Mexico (June 11), and former champions Uruguay (June 16) and France (June 22).
The study found that it was not only trumpets, drums and horns that can hurt your ears, two excited supporters cheering a goal on either side of you can produce 121.6 decibels, also drowning out a chainsaw at just 100 decibels.
- T.J.6/16/2010
- Spud6/16/2010 9:28 AM
- Vuvuzelas are to culture what Macdonalds is to haute cuisine. Ged rid of them now! Stupid bloody things!
- Jack9566/15/2010 9:55 PM
- Those who keep writing this off as mere "culture" need to ask themselves what sorts of people create such a rude culture in the first place. The logical answer is RUDE people! It explains a lot of other things, you know.
- Kevin6/15/2010 3:45 PM
- Would you invite guests to your home for dinner and then make noises that drive them crazy? Only selfish, self-centered morons behave like that. Grow up and treat the game, the players, and all your guests with some respect. Everyone hates these horns from hell.
- Kevin6/15/2010 3:39 PM
- Would you invite guests to your home for dinner and then make noises that drive them crazy? Only selfish, self-centered morons behave like that. Grow up and treat the game, the players, and all your guests with some respect. Everyone hates these horns from hell.
- Bones6/15/2010 10:16 AM
- I'm South African, I support the World Cup, BUT MAN THAT BLUDDY VUVUS is enough to drive any one crazy. It's not pleasant to wach the game with all that blowing going on. Waching a game muted is not my way of having fun. And on top of that when sitting in a stadium with a CLOUD OF TB SPIT and other germs hanging in the air, could cause a major TB outbreak. And don't came with shopping mall aircons & stuff. Everybody in the mall doesn't spit all over the show. BAN THE VUVU!
- Toomi6/14/2010 10:32 PM
- There is no reason for this madness.(blowing hot air ) Who in their right mind expects us to accept the mindless droning. If that is happiness then we know the reason as to why the people are so violent. The arrogance in the replies shows that FIFA in deciding to allow Africa to host the game will never live this one down. For those that will chant & sing their OWN special songs are furious to be hijacked in this fashion. Overseas is the place where Africa can show that they are capable of sitting at the same table with the appropriate manners. But to listen to absolute IDIOTS who say that People who disagree should just "go home " are more simple minded then we thought. Who the hell do you think supports the games. Not the poor SA who do not have enough eat. Grow up & act like adults & not children. This attitude in promoting the " noise stick " does not help people to see SA as intelligent. After all who agrees that the " droning " is pleasant " music ".
- Proud South African Youngster6/14/2010 6:44 PM
- I do not know what the big deal is? Why do some people look down on other people's cultures? Yes, if its uncivilised, it is because of your civilisation that the world is dying like it is now...let the vuvuzela stay, you wouldn't want someone to tell you how to live in your own house, so do not come tell us how to support our soccer in our own stadium as well as country, if you don't like it, then do not come to our country...
- Proud South African Youngster6/14/2010 6:43 PM
- I do not know what the big deal is? Why do some people look down on other people's cultures? Yes, if its uncivilised, it is because of your civilisation that the world is dying like it is now...let the vuvuzela stay, you wouldn't want someone to tell you how to live in your own house, so do not come tell us how to support our soccer in our own stadium as well as country, if you don't like it, then do not come to our country...
- Voetbol mal6/14/2010 5:44 PM
- You have proven to be disrespectful and poor ambassadors. It's one thing to blow the stupid childish horn at your games, but to have to hear this stupid thing when other teams besides yours are playing. "If you don't like it then don't watch", ya, FIFA will love that attitude, guaranteeing that the CUP won't be back. South Americans, North Americans, Asians, basically every other group sees the blowing of the horns at games not involving SA as utterly disrespectful. At the next World Cup when SA plays, everybody in the stands should bring AIR HORNS and blow them only when SA plays.
- England Supporter6/14/2010 3:42 PM
- Anyone that supports the use of the dreadful head numbing vuvuzelas is a selfish one brain cell idiot. The 127 decibels has obviously affected their remaining one cell. It's not about the Europeans being racist or superior (although we obviously are!). It's about common sense, I just had to watch the Holland v Denmark game with sound muted, so congratulations in spoiling the World cup for me & millions of TV viewers around the world.
- Lebzaza6/14/2010 1:57 PM
- If the vuvuzela was from Europe would you people complain as you do right now. In the eyes of most Europeans nothing good can come out of Africa. This is the best world cup ever. FIFA can ban the vuvuzela but if they do, they can take their world cup with them.
- KGee6/14/2010 12:18 PM
- Blow by blow...vuvuzela here we go, and we are not stopping...get it got it? feel it, hear it, touch it...its here, did i say here it? yeh, here the vuvuzela, its here to stay...stop waisting your time
- KGee6/14/2010 12:04 PM
- Viva Vuvuzela Viva!!!
- DJEMBE DRUM6/14/2010 11:33 AM
- If you can't beat the sound of the Vuvuzelas - join them. It had been THE most annoying sound to me, but now I have my own Vuvu. I was blowing my vuvu on Friday - everytime I came to a stop at a robot crossing. I could not help but smile, as this brought forth other blowers from their cars - either drivers or passengers. We had our own little competition in that short space of time, of whom could blow the best! During Fridays game, I got goose flesh from the sound ....... no where in the world will you find that strong sound of 'bees buzzing'. It is unique to SA - I am proudly SA. Should I be attending a match - I will not only be taking my vuvu but also my DJEMBE drum for extra sound! I will never 'act my age' ( 61yr old granny) as of what is expected by our society. I will bet some of you, once you can really blow the vuvu and make your own noise (the farthing sound is from a blower, still in training!) - you will get over the 'sound' that is annoying to you. Have some fun guys!!
- Maksim6/14/2010 10:30 AM
- Worst World Cup ever... enjoy your vuvuzelas, but you'll be remembered as the worst host... hopefully FIFA will learn a lesson and don't let 3rd world countries host games anymore.
- Proudly SA Gal6/14/2010 8:56 AM
- You people should get yourselves a pair of earplugs if you find the vuvuzela such an irritation... Or even better - STAY AT HOME and let us enjoy our soccer, the (Yes Pedro) PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN way. Maybe if you yourself, learn how to blow it, you might start having fun instead of being so damn UPTIGHT! GT i am so with you Vuvuzelas are here to stay so DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pedro Depacas6/14/2010 6:39 AM
- To try and be as objective as possible !! Yes it is a " Proudly South African" ?? wonderful invention , but let's consider the players first , i have seen every game so far , at home , thank God . how many players have indicated to each other that they can not hear each other ? plenty .!! In all honesty is it really such a wonderful sound that it's worth protecting for the sake of all the '' 'proudly South Africans "??What i find really amusing is the fact that you have actual adults , grown men blowing this "thing" for 90 minutes , God talk about a bunch of mental delinquent's grow up man this thing should be blown at kindergarten kiddies parties .This is actually a true reflection of the masses prevailing state of mind , empty vessels make the most noise , bring back the 20l tin drums and the wonderful singing that we as "whites " used to enjoy on a Sunday afternoon at the local mine compound ( sand pitch) at Kwa thema Springs in about 1980 , absolutely no horns from hell then , the drums were wonderful .BAN THAT HORRIBLE NOISE ....and save some face .
- oooga-booga6/14/2010 3:20 AM
- Let them make arses out themselves. The more TNB the world can observe (from afar) the better. I'd like to see them banned just to witness the biggest chimpout in recorded history.
- Ed Ward II6/14/2010 3:10 AM
- It is freedome of speech and expression let the vuvas sing. This is a soccer match not a church.
- Civilized American6/14/2010 3:05 AM
- Classless savages... keep it up, and prove to all of us that you're a third rate, third world country for a reason.
- Speak It Like It Is6/14/2010 3:04 AM
- ******s doing their best to make noise and be obnoxious, what a surprise.
- Civilized American6/14/2010 3:04 AM
- Classless savages... keep it up, and prove to all of us that you're a third rate, third world country for a reason.
- zZnnxxx6/14/2010 2:55 AM
- And here I thought I could not possibly be gladder that I'm not a fan of that hands-free "sport." Yet, here I am, feeling gladder all the time. On a side note: why do soccer fans worldwide seem to invariably act like a deranged mob? What's with that anyway? To look at the sport, there's absolutely nothing about it that would connote the inducement of rowdiness. It's dull, it's not explosive, there's nothing spectacular about it. Buy hey, that's me.
- GozieBoy6/14/2010 2:49 AM
- Perfect drone music to accompany a perfectly boring game.
- robertT6/14/2010 2:45 AM
- It's your tradition and that's fine, but this isn't just a single match in your country. This is the World Cup and you are disrespecting the other 33 nations that are participating. Enjoy this World Cup because after this I have a feeling it won't be returning to Africa, EVER!
- Kristen6/14/2010 2:42 AM
- I turned the sound off to watch the game. That sound is very irritating. They should do something about it before it gets out of hand. It ruins the game.
- Jonathan Drye6/14/2010 2:40 AM
- Congratulations on ruining the World Cup for everybody, I hope you're all happy. Why don't they just ban vuvuzelas from all but South Africa's games??
- Yes We Can Build a YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!
- 88allin6/14/2010 2:37 AM
- ESPN has to intervene on this nuisance , watching a match is unbearable . They will lose viewers , which means losing ad revenue and $$$
- wilbert6/14/2010 2:34 AM
- I watch about 10 minutes ..maybe less of the game between Australia and Germany .. the noise was extremely annoying and i switch it off. i know why the noise was so overwhelming. Not acceptable and i will not waste my time listening to that idiotic,intrusive,objectionable behavior.
- Michael6/14/2010 2:32 AM
- I understand and appreciate the culture of South Africa, but I think it's also important that South Africans respect and appreciate the culture of football. Part of the culture is to have an engaged crowd - to hear singing, and to hear the roar of the crowd during the most intense moments of the game. All of this is cancelled out by the constant sound of the Vuvuzela. It's all I can hear. I can't hear the crowd. So as a result I too mute my TV. That's a real shame. Again, respect to South Africa, its people and culture, but please do also show respect to the game of football, the tournament, and the culture of it (singing, chanting, roars) that is so part of the game.
- Bob6/14/2010 2:32 AM
- Just get two teams to boycott a match until vuvu'za retardation is banned. Better yet, just have some NATO jets drop tear gas throughout the crowd until they shut up.
- Goalie6/14/2010 2:32 AM
- one can only hope they get rid of the damn things.
- Bartz6/12/2010 10:43 PM
- Never has the crowd so intruded on a world cup before . 2 noises in this world we are preprogrammed to find irritating , that of a babies cry and that of buzzing insects . Congratulations in making one of those noises your only contribution to world football . I hope the world cup never sees African soil ever again .
- ufonek6/12/2010 4:59 PM
- Hate vuvuzela ? let fifa know about it
- England supporter6/12/2010 12:53 PM
- FIFA you must ban these from stadiums. We want to hear the singing the chanting, the ooo's and the aah's NOT a swarm of locusts hovering above the stadium for 90 minutes .. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Posted via email from Dogmeat
ah well, i don't know ^^ the impression i get over here in spain, is that almost everyone hates the vuvuzela sound. personally, i don't like it either... i wouldn't go so far to say that it has wrecked the world cup for me, but it's definetly annoying.