
Neck Brace for Sleepers (Rusty: It's a little short but you'll get to meet the nicest Brace Fetishists!)

limbsandthings1 — May 06, 2010 — http://youtube.com/watch?v=uMb7eyvMnRY Neck Brace for Sleepers (and Brace Fetishists - 8 Seconds of Support and Bliss). An invention to help prevent the overtaxed and overtired office worker from falling asleep on the job. Dedicated to long lost NBAK and all former members

Neck Brace Sleep "neck brace" neckbrace halo nbak fetish aleep hypnotism blindfold sleeping narcolepsy drowsy invention woman paralyzed broken spine spinal braces braced support hospital immobilized traction quadriplegic paraplegic disabled doctor neurology injury
LimbsAndThings1 yt:quality=high mrjyn whatgetsmehot youweirdtube limbsandthings
Category: Science & Technology
Neck Brace Sleep neck brace neckbrace halo nbak fetish aleep hypnotism blindfold sleeping narcolepsy drowsy invention woman paralyzed broken spine spinal braces braced support hospital immobilized traction quadriplegic paraplegic disabled doctor neurology injury odd bizarre weird oddball crazy LimbsAndThings1 yt:quality=high mrjyn whatgetsmehot youweirdtube limbsandthings

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