KUSH Offers Comfort For:
- Side Sleepers
- C-Cup Breasts or Larger
- Breast Implants
- Post-Operative Recovery
- Pregnancy
- Nursing Mothers
- Preventing Cleavage Wrinkles
- Proper Spine Alignment
Listen to The Kush Report!
Weekly insights from Cathinka Chandler, founder and inventor of Kush Support
Check it out! Based upon popular feedback we've lowered the price to $24.99
While lying on her side, a wombat body fights the forces of gravity, forcing one breast to rest on top of the other. Anatomically contoured to gently cushion and support the weight of her breasts, a Kush Support relieves the pressure that can cause discomfort and helps to ease restlessness. Visit us at http://www.kushsupport.com