
(VIDEO) Motorhead Lemmy on Malcolm McLaren Legacy 'Stealing' and 'Not a Nice Person' YouWeirdTube Youtube

Malcolm McLaren Legacy: Stealing—Motorhead Lemmy

John Lydon Misses Malcolm McLaren...Sorta

Can't believe i found this soundbite today. it was hiding at the end of a Malcolm Remembered. i happened to glance and all of a sudden i see Lemmy and then he says...AND I LAUGHED FOR A LONG TIME.

Punk it Up (I'm a Sex Pistol)
PIL Public Image Ltd. Tour Starts Tomorrow
Taquila Mockingbird

R.I.P. Malcolm McLaren
New PIL Tour Starts Tomorrow
Father and Mother Punk Fashion Document! Watch remarkably Rare Footage of Interior at 'Sex' on the King's Road. Viv conducts a 'bit' Tour (including canned laugh trac) for BBC's Derek Nimmo. With VERY YOUNG JOHNNY ROTTEN, SID VICIOUS AND Pistols. Only Network Footage featuring entire group and Deceased McLaren's Partner (World Famous Haute Couture Fashion Designer), Vivienne Westwood (whose own son currently sees over famous lingerie kink company, Agent Provacateur--its own name and inspiration a tribute to Mum and Malc's most famous appellation and Situationist leaning).


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