
Rockabilly Vampire (1996)

5 out of 6 people found the following review useful.
" Are you really a vampire?" " Of the rockabilly kind.", 15 June 2005
Author: redartichoke7 from United States

Rockabilly Vampire is a stupid movie, but that's a given, you know that it's a stupid movie and you watch it anyways. that said, the acting is awful and the characters are great!!!! the acting is so bad that it becomes part of the movie, if you don't expect good acting then you wont be disappointed when the lines seemed rehearsed. even the awful actors are great!!! the music is amazing, the lines are hilarious, and the main vampire is to die for!! pun intended..... der, if you like rockabilly, the beatles, vamipres, banana sandwiches, hot guys, voodoo and ummm.... microwave dinners then of course you're gonna love this movie its a horribly wonderful film and i am addicted to it.

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