
R.I.P. Barry Hannah Unrepresentedist

Underpopulated Bookstore Bigamist

(if you enjoyed these, I am currently available for literary events and in-store readings. Please contact me through this site. I also do literary Barry Hannah text impressions on an email subscription basis)

If you’re like us, you may be most drawn to this list in which champions and the underloved yet mighty will, inspired (swear) to expand our literary landscapes, ease our favorite sin.

Nearly all fiction and nonfiction is underrated or underappreciated, because, hey, too-narrow literary or not literary enough (too popular) humor or-not-hot-yet-too 'significant,’ but, hey, we are singularly original, enduring, cliffhanging, nonsustaining literature from Leer's ballot.



by Barry Hannah

Posted via email from DOGMEAT