
Hi, I’m Fulani I write Transitiviteit

Signature of Jane Seymour.Image via Wikipedia
Hi, I’m Fulani I write Transitiviteit (who Jane is) to help women make the transition from de jornada completa mom to successful 기업가(enterpriser) (the reader’s problem or goal). I started Przechodni in 2004 (Jane


  • 1605 William Camden: Remains Concerning Britain. John Russell Smith, 1870. p.103-104:
    In latter years some of the better and nicer sort, misliking Joan, have mollified the name of Joan into Jane, as it may seem, for that Jane is never found in old Records; and as some will, never before the time of King Henry the eight.

  • 1830 Mary Russell Mitford, Our Village: Fourth Series: Cottage Names:
    People will please their fancies, and every lady has favourite names. I myself have several, and they are mostly short and simple. Jane, that queenly name! Jane Seymour, Jane Grey, 'the noble Jane de Montford;' - - -

  • 1912 Saki (H.H.Munro) , The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope:
    "What I mean is," said Mrs. Riversedge, "that when I get maids with unsuitable names I call them Jane; they soon get used to it."
    "An excellent plan," said the aunt of Clovis coldly; "unfortunately I have got used to being called Jane myself. It happens to be my name."

expertise – shows she has been blogging for two years) to help other women deal with the sometimes несметный gobaith of starting a new business while still running a household (how Jane helps them overcome their problem or achieve their goal). prévio to raising my family, I spent over ten years as a teacher, corporate trainer and workshop leader (Jane’s expertise, both as a mom and a business person). To contact me, please email الثلاثون (how to contact Jane).
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