
Jane Aldridge (Feb. 26, 2008) Gets Her Sea-Legs 'hot tramp, i love you so' AND her first @Sea_of_Shoes Hater - "It's Stella McCartney, not McArtney"

Somehow, in the span of three months of sparse posting, Jane totally got out from under her mom's love-prods, and got her sealegs. I said on tumblr as a joke that this was like finding Dr. Scholl's first bunion, but there's something satisfying (as far as people like Miss XXX go) in discovering that she was never phony, and that the only thing even potentially cringe-worthy in her closet may be a pair of played-out Lucite Marni's from the 07s.

February 26, 2008

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It's Stella McCartney, not McArtney.