Number of posts up to now: 559
Percentage of all posts involving pigs: 57.4%
Percentage of all posts involving cows: 23.6%
Percentage of all posts involving goats: 1.4%
Percentage of all posts involving snakes: .54%
Number of mustaches featured: 18
Number of stripper and/or showgirl animals featured: 5
Number of handicapped animals featured: 7
Number of royal animals featured: 19
Percentage of royal animals that are pigs: 63.2%
Percentage that are fish: 10.5%
Percentage that are crabs: 5.3%
Ratio of posts referencing soldiers to posts referencing hippies: 7:4
Ratio of posts referencing frogs to posts referencing golf: 4:3
Average noose rating (of all rated posts): 2.8
Percentage of all 5-noose posts featuring inappropriate sexual content: 24.0%
Average number of comments for each 1-noose post: 2.5
Average number of comments for each 5-noose post: 5.0
Percentage of all posts containing material referred to us by readers: 24.9%
Number of people who have threatened to report us to the police: 1
Number of wedding photographers who have suggested we be beaten until we leak: 1