
(Videos) MYt3d:Enable=True Bloos Christmas Story or The Only Nice Thing I've Ever Done?

Have You Been Spammed by 3-D Nazi

Mr3Dvideo, TheGuru3D, WBLOOS?

  Mr3Dvideo,  TheGuru3D,  WBLOOS?

My Night So Far in 3-D

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Level 1
This troll, Werner Bloos, uses at least four anonymous YouTube Channels to wage a combination harassment/spamming for his German 3-D Software Company.  He mostly preys on unsuspecting teenagers in some vainglorious attempt at self-aggrandizement, which by just a few hours searching on YouTube and throughout the 3-D Community on the Internet at large, is firmly pathological.  Hidden behind his video-less channels he takes satisfaction in the frustrated replies of these kids and actually responds to himself by crossposting to his different channel's comment boxes.

If you have any doubts as to the seriousness of this reply by someone who he mistakenly took as an easy mark, i invite you to visit one of these channels to see for yourself:
Mr3Dvideo, TheGuru3D, WBLOOS (I believe you'll see all three of these and one more, I'm not sure about represented in just this one thread: SAME USER).

And if that seems like too much work, READ THIS (one night's compilation of his harassment)
http://bit.ly/A1fj .
Christmas Tiger Woods Cartoon

Level 1
You probably are being harassed for posting fake 3d videos if that is the case you deserve all you get from him. Fake 3d puts
people off 3d never to return. So if you don't want to be harassed stop posting fake 3d.

Level 1

Pusuxu: what he is doing is not about 3-D.  What a pathetic attitude to take.  Spoken as a true geek.  And how fitting for someone who fails to see the BIG picture of some pathological 3-D Nazi following every yt3D tag on YouTube with a Gestapo command to remove it because it is not...which of course ends at his channels with info on how to make it so...

you are either crossposting as him, are as deluded and pathological as he is, or don't realize that the issue is SPAM AND HARRASSMENT, NOT 3-D. 

And as far as putting people off 3-D, well, you may want Werner Bloos as your spokesperson, but I think you'd find the multiple videos by kids who have been harrassed by him ending in the not-so-eloquent but understandable word 'Fag' posted across a stationary 3-D screen, or the the 14-year-old girls who didn't know fuck-all about 3-D tags, but were harrassed by him until they removed their channel, antithetical to your promotional campaign

Level 1
I have read many comments from this user and in all the cases I remember his comments were accurate and justified.
Now if something changed and you noticed something you consider wrong, please do tell us about it but If you want to be taken seriously you have to change your behaviour radically.

1) Do not insult people, be respectful, including towards the person you want to complain about. Never ever use World War 2, Nazi Germany or other criminal references for stuff that have nothing to do with it (it always blows back against you)
2) Back your claims : show some solid proof, You are accusing this person of doing many things but most of the links you provided are not proofs and not even examples of his doing but some website complaining about the same person in the exact same way as you do.
3) Do not use URL shortening/redirect services such as bit.ly or other. This is not a Twitter channel ! Always link with the full unmasked URL : this makes it much easier for us to understand your arguments when reading your complaint.

Level 1

For anyone who comes to this thread because of general harassment or specific, repeated, unwanted comments regarding non-technical issues of "3-D" video which you may have uploaded and incorrectly labeled, or chose to experiment  through the only current method in which it is possible (enabling 3-D Tags) as a test; or even through 2-D uploading and applying these Tags (the prohibition on whose usage is not currently enforced by any Official YouTube Guideline Policy, only by a select few of  the relatively small, close-knit 3-D community on YouTube and throughout the Internet, some of whom you see represented here--by all means, not all offenders or overzealous in intent).

Until YouTube issue Policy regarding an Overall Standard and Check System for this still-experimental Tag activation--it is currently not against their policy for a user to employ any of the 3-D enabling Tags in a YouTube uploaded video.vague demands--the most reprehensible--from video-less, avatar-free, single users who pile on through multiple channels misrepresentating and insinuating authority and subtle threat of retribution if not obeyed--and ABOUT 3-D TAGS.

This insight has come through NO GEEKITUDE on my part, but through my independent research as a result of being mistakenly identified and targeted by one of the most prolific and pathetic of this group, and deciding upon investigation to fight at least this user, whose three channels I am happy to report (although I count at least 8 subscribers or friends in this thread who may not sure my satisfaction) are all wiped as of yesterday, except for a few examples which I excerpt below as example.

It does however continue to be against YouTube Policy for you to be repeatedly contacted by other YouTuber's requesting or demanding your attention to something as laughably trivial as an experimental 3-D Tag which you may or may not have misapplied, or to be the recipient of any form of intimidation, monitor, or private check and enforcement of any YouTube Policy. 

YouTube utilizes through their Community Guidelines, Flag System and volunteer community of responsible and VISIBLE YouTube Group Administrators (which i encourage you to join) a more-than-healthy helping of protection whose authority you may have bemoaned in the past, but which when considered in the light of a Billion or so Users (not all doing what they're supposed to do), seems to enjoy ultimate success.
Some users, mostly those with a professional motivation behind the selling of a related product have preemptively taken on a pack-like self-imposed authority in this trivial matter as it stands today, resorting to

All actions should be individually assessed by you and based on seriousness or occurrence blocked or reported to this link:
http://www.youtube.com/safety_ help




Stereoscopy - "genuine" three-dimensional visualization is a very fascinating hobby - unfortunately in the broad population not well-known, even if the first stereoskopic pictures are much older than the first photo. Here you can find information around this topic, as well as some of my 3-D...

                                                         His Fan Videos:

(i've tried to obscure the names because i know some of you are particulary "picky" about your 3-D, and although I can take care of myself, i think you might frighten some of the 13-year-old girls)

August 15, 2009
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f48Tgs9Uem8 (OH, DON'T MISS THIS VIDEO FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MAY WORRY ABOUT MISSING A GOOD 3-D Promo Nazi)

August 15, 2009
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32VMzhbGpec (and this one's pretty good, a little derivative though, and the 3-D Pixel amanagramation is 80% skewed on the bias)

                                          He Made YouTube a Really Special Place for so Many Teenage Boys and Girls:

wbloos a.k.a. TheGuru3D has been stalking me and leaving rude messages on my channel. So I'm outta here.

                                                                He was the bravest with the youngest girls:

P--ty3 (1 month ago)
I am agree with you Luke. M3d went to my videos and spammed me too. The user is a sock.

L---60 (1 month ago)
DEATH TO MR3DVIDEO! I HATE THAT GUY! he spammed... SHUT THE **** UP! ( i deleted all of his comments BTW)

Some of the Touching Replies to his Channel Comment PAGE (from Cache):

Channel WBLOOS  (still up but not active)

saiaNshit (2 months ago)
Spam Marked as spam
wbloos (2 months ago)
why beacuse I'm telling the truth? does it hurt when someone tells the truth or is it just inconveniant?

Donellers1217backup (2 months ago)
block this person ppl
wbloos (2 months ago)
Spam Marked as spam
...I prefer viewing them on my 24" Zalman 3D monitor with stereoscopic player - in full color

chrrrles (2 months ago)
Where are your 3D videos??

wbloos (2 months ago)
man you really do not know what you are talking about - YES I AM a 3d expret - I do this business noe for more than 12 years!

wbloos (2 months ago)
yes I would say I AM an 3D expert - and it seems that YOU do not know anything about 3D - and I never wrote a comment saying to remove or change the TILE but the wrong TAGS

iTankTopz (2 months ago)
okay, you are not a expert on 3D r u?, because its our choice to say 3D in the title! Who are you to tell that we need to remove off the title?-Jesus? (no) why dont you make another video because we dont see the whole point of that video! :) Yeah block this person, because he or she doesnt know when to SHUt Their mouth. Keep your critical comments to yourself!
JarrodAndren (2 months ago)

christiancapella1 (2 months ago)
Block'd n00b

CuuijqyMuruqdte (2 months ago)
Spammer de mierda!
Os marcare todos vuestros videos y comentarios como Spam tambien. Ojala y los adminitradores te manden a tomar por culo. maldito gilipollas.
kSnoop (2 months ago)
Sub my page.

DanJarvie3D (2 months ago)
you're a cunt.

wbloos (2 months ago)

Ste...aker can be found here:
ynr3D (2 months ago)
blocked. bitch.

I would of answered you directly Blacksharkfr, but after thinking real hard, I finally realized that i don't really give a fuck after dealing with Werner Bloos. And up until yesterday, I could see you trying to support him, but after even HE has the good sense to discontinue (although I will tell you that through correspondence after tracking him down in Germany and presenting him with the evidence of his absurd actions from the above three most egregious and active channels, he at first vehemently denied that he was the same person, however, as the day wore on he started to slip and instead of acknowledging the problem he was causing, bizarrely enough started preaching to me about 3-D).

So, when the next Psycho 3-D Guy starts chasing around little YouTube kids through a tag search and someone else decides that it's disgusting, stop worrying stop worrying so much about his forum etiquette and linking style and take a few minutes to discover what benefit it may have for you to defend someone who should have been named "Mr3DChaos" or some of the other less imaginative but forceful obscene tributes to your
Super 3-D Nazi Pal, Werner Bloos: Mr3DVideo, TheGuru3D, Wbloos (btw: watch a Seinfeld Episode or two before you try and school me about Nazis and WWII).

To the user from this thread who thought he'd pile on in some pathetic copy-cat last gasp today: isn't there something else you could be doing? and the above goes double for Pusuxu, whose comment it was made me waste a good hour, but it's been worth it. thanks

and BlackSharkfr, if you decide to not take this personally, and assuming you are a cool French dude, I've sent you an invitation from my Dailymotion to yours.  And if you see my friend Helene or Maylis around Toulouse, say bonjour.

Level 1

Alright this time i actually took two hours of my time to try and read every user profile you mentioned and the ones i could find answering on Werner Bloos' channel to see it for myself.

Comments regarding 3-D Tags on one of your videos from -   http://www.youtube.com/user/Mr3Dvideo OR  http://youtube.com/user/TheGuru3D OR  http://youtube.com/user/wbloos (SAME USER)


e-mail: werner - stereoskopie@wbloos.de
Telefon: +49(0)9171-8955817
See Werner Bloos 3-D Nazi in Person - http://www.123people.com/s/werner+bloos/germany
AVATAR -  http://www.stereoforum.org/download/file.php?avatar=2_1211286442.jpg

(Werner [Werni] Bloos)
http://j.mp/1O8rlL - YouTube/Mr3DVideo
Since Werni likes writing comments to strangers, why don't you send him a letter: c/o  Werner Bloos/ Hans-Popp-Straße 11, 91154/ Roth bei Nürnberg, Germany

Work:  http://www.dm-digifoto.de/?et_cid=6&et_lid=8
Online (Administrator 3-D Forum) http://www.stereoforum.org/ http://www.digi-dat.de/
Personal WebSite:  http://www.wbloos.de/hobbys/stereoskopie/3d-video.html
Profile: http://www.davidrubio3d.com/view_user.php?id=6 http://www.xing.com/profile/Werner_Bloos

And if You're in  Roth bei Nürnberg, Germany, on Hans-Popp-Straße,  #11 will be on right: 



The only things i could find were many people experimenting (and failing) the yt3d tags, In most of them either Wbloos or Mr3Dvideo leaves a comment about the video not being 3D and explaining you need two points of view to record a stereoscopic "3d" video, which is technically correct, respects the Youtube Terms of service and community guidelines, and (in my opinion) justified.
I spotted a few cases where there seems to have been strong reactions from the user insisting his video is 3D (where i can confirm the video is clearly not 3D), in one case i noticed a strong argument between Wbloos and the author of the video, but Wbloos's comments have been deleted, so i do not know what Wbloos wrote, only a Youtube admin could access these deleted comments.

I never noticed him spam-advertising himself of his company a single time.
He mentions stereophotomaker, which is an excellent free software made by a japanese person for editing 3D content.
I saw him mentionning once nvidia and iZ3D 3D drivers which are the two best 3D drivers currently available to make video games run in stereoscopic 3D.
In his profile when he is questioned about his 3D works he points to the nvidia 3D video gallery, where you can download his video for free.
And he mentionned once Peter Wimmer's Stereoscopic player which is the worlds best stereoscopic media player curently available on the market (there aren't many), and which also comes with a free version.

I just read again very cautiously through the youtube terms of service and community guidelines and, with the limited information you gave me and the information I searched myself, concluded that Werner Bloos did not break the rules.
What i saw him doing is neither spam or harrassment, just him giving his opinion and/or giving technical advice.
About multiple accounts, i was not able to conclude about Werner Bloos using multiple accounts but since you say you contacted him personally, i may trust you, whatever agreement you reached with him. But i just have to remind you something : using multiple accounts isn't against the Youtube terms of service or community guideline.
Just to reassure you, I also do not like people using multiple accounts (using 1 for pro/resume and 1 for personal stuff is ok but not two for the same thing)

Overall I approve his comments (at least the ones that are still there and which i can read) and have not changed my opinion about people misusing the yt3d tags.
We should give a bad mark, leave a nice comment telling it doesn't work and ask the user to delete the video (or make it a private video for testing), if the user refuses, just flag it for incorrect description. Then the Youtube team will decide what to do with it.

That "chaos" you mentioned was caused, in my opinion by a bunch of kids who misused the 3D tags, did not even check the feature, and then refuse any criticism when they are told they are wrong. Even worse, they fight back and go personnal by targeting him directly, calling around for help to flood him, and giving away some personal information about him.
I have to remind you that this behaviour is illegal (and accessorly against the youtube terms of service and community guidelines), you could be prosecuted for that.
I am afraid to tell you that you are standing on the wrong side and urge you to get over this argument, and especially to stop using Nazi references immediately or you will get caught in the crossfire. This is not about being picky on words or trying to imitate Seinfeld's humor, this clearly isn't an opportunity for such vocabulary and you clearly demonstrated you do not have the skill required to use these references in a safe way. If you keep writing this way it will turn against you.

Level 1
I agree with blackShark if a video is not 3d people who posted it should be informed

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