
John Cooper Clarke: 5 MP3s, 2 Videos, and a Christmas Story via Kelly Truesdale

John Cooper Clarke Health Fanatic Facebook Video by Mossie O'Rourk

from john cooper clarke website 
listen here for 5 JCC MP3s


thanks Kelly Truesdale he's one of my favorites.  have all the vinyl, but you and cheetah should like this little handy Apture embed I made for you and my post.  It's got all five of the playable MP3s nestled inside, perfect for linking to and listening.  Hope all the other john cooper clarke fans like it too.  merry christmas and thanks again.

Christmas 1998
News of a story about JCC on an old BBC Christmas show... Story in first person as told to us by Tiv who had the following conversation with John recently...

  • “John told me about a BBC Choice show he did around Christmas 1998 - a football based thing hosted by Bob Mills. There were two teams representing Manchester United and Manchester City. John's team consisted of him, the Man United website guy and Ray Wilkins; their opponents were Eddie Large, the Man City website guy and Rodney Marsh. He said it was a great night and at one point he had to take a penalty against Peter Shilton. Needless to say he didn't score!”

JCC's Sugar Puffs Commercial.
As seen on UK television.
(Color, 40 secs, 3 Megs, Medium Res).

JCC reading Health Fanatic.
Probably at London's Vortex Club. Taken from the music video 'Urgh! A Music War.'
(Converted to B & W, 1 min 54 secs, 4 Megs, Medium Res).
Efforts are currently under way to seek permission to use this clip from Michael White Ltd. If they don't grant it, it will have to be removed.



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JCC from VH1 in 1998... #1: Hire Car, #2: I Married A Monster, #3: I Wrote The Songs, #4: Tom Jones.

Permission being sought from VH1
#1: MP3 Format - 686k
#2: MP3 Format - 436k
#3: MP3 Format - 784k
#4: MP3 Format - 146k
The Independent Newspaper radio ads currently airing in the UK... (Funny stuff!)

A copy of JCC's performance on the C.81 N.M.E. cassette that's long out of print. Hopefully they don't mind us using it here for you all to listen to. If they do, I will have to take it down. The introduction is hilarious, and goes like this... “Hi, Sheena Easton here. For a long time I've been a great fan of that marvellous poet, John Cooper Clarke. And I'm here with the massed John Cooper Clarke's of Carnaby Street to perform one of the great man's finest works, 'The Day My Pad went Mad'”. At which point he's joined by a lot of pissed scribes doing JCC impersonations. The second one is the intro and promo for the same C.81 tape.
#1: MP3 Format - 2 Megs
#2: MP3 Format - 272k
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