
The Perfect American: Rottweiler logic, burned and bedded, boogie-woozie

Jimmy SWAKgGerber was one of my very favrite CheriSatan-Flem-Flamer--and, oh boy, Jimmmy had it made there for a while back in the 80s--I mean the LinColon Town cars, the big manscion down in Baton RoiuGer, a fairly goOdo-kin' Weife, though she looked like she was
"cold POWrn tang"
as my old childhood friend Ray Rottweiler used to say back when he was in grade school with me in Dallas. I'd say, "Ray, check out Pearl over there. Ain't she sweet?"
"WAAlfie, she looks like cold porn tang to me; but the eye of the beholder rules in this Ca'se."