I love hearing about new and obscure fetishes. This doesn't necessarily mean I actively go out and act out the things I research...well, except for that one time with the Chewbacca mask and the enema kit, but I'll always consider that episode to be a special moment in my sexual awakening, a fruit-bearing tree in my memory lane that shall always be ripe for the to speak...
I believe it was Gloria Swanson who once said, "the mind is a very strange and unusual thing."
This quote seems especially appropos when considering the ever-growing underground of leg-cast and hospitalization fetishists popping up in the world, especially on the Internet. Move over, leather and chains -all the hottest boys and girls these days are going for neck braces and orthopedic shoes!
"The contrast between smooth human flesh and the harshness of steel and leather is an attractor for many people," says Roger of TheLegbrace (Caliper) Fascination
"Despite reason and common sense telling us it is indeed a bit odd, the sight of someone in legbraces triggers an overwhelming response: our pulses race and we become fixated on what we see. We know it is wrong to stare yet we can't stop themselves from doing so. From personal experience I know how overwhelming these feelings can be at times and how powerless we feel to resist them."
According to Roger's obsessive research into the subject, ABASIOPHILIA is the scientific term for folks who have an attraction to legbraces, wheelchairs and the people who use them. Roger goes on to stress that abasiophiliacs don't wish to objectify the misfortunes of the disabled, but rather, for whatever reason, find the disabled/injured - particularly their assisting paraphernalia - to be really, really HOT.
In fact, Roger offers the following etiquette to the up-and-coming leg-brace queen: "Don't stalk disabled people, or anyone else for that matter...only photograph disabled people with their permission."
Even a purely sexual definition seems too confining for our leg-brace lover, as Roger continues: "for many it is not simply a sexual fetish, as the mechanisms involved appear far more complex - although for many people it does have a strong sexual element."
Meanwhile, over at NBAK (the Neck Brace Appreciation Club), a group of anonymous whiplash hotties are bringing the extreme turtleneck look out of the closet. Oh, wait. They're anonymous. Well, okay...they're keeping their fetish IN the closet, but they're being really noisy about it.
"To date we have logged well over 700, 000 hits and have been written up in several magazines as well as having a few interview offers from both Radio and Television (all of which have been graciously declined to preserve our anonymity)," says the Official NBAK Website ( Here, those with gleefully cramped necks can find personal ads, an online neck brace supply shop, and even CD-ROMs chock full of neck brace erotica! Wheeee!!!
Then we have Doc Hinkel's Orthotorium(, which is even deeper on the down-low, with his photo-shopped curiosity shop of beefcake models spliced into plaster leg casts and limb braces. Something about Doc Hinkel's pictorials doesn't seem quite right, but when coming across a photo of a hunky wheelchair-bound blonde guy posing in front of a UFO, there's REALLY something, uh, AFOOT.
And for those of you up for some hot orthopedic enthusiast fiction, there's lots to be had. Here's just a spoonful of hearty goodness from "Soup's Kitchen"
"I was almost at the point of climax but I couldn't. It was sending shock waves through my body. I tensed more and more to the point that I thought I was going to break the cast but I knew there was no chance of that. I knew she was controlling my breathing too since it got faster and faster. I felt her moistness ride me like never before." Mmmmm, SOUP is good food indeed, especially when it's high in MOISTNESS.
So the next time your sweetie responds to your amourous advances by saying "I have a headache," look out and keep some gauze handy. Sweetie might be trying to tell you something...