
Jerry Lee Lewis vs IRS (video)

Jerry Lee Lewis vs IRS


Jerry Lee Lewis vs IRS

Published on Jun 20, 2012
by julian is twenty five years after his first release 00:14 to me you know one definition of art 00:18 the staying power 00:21 million more than he does have 00:23 and i have to spy problems here 00:25 all the government and his ex-wife's aha 00:44 missus 00:45 in nineteen eighty yahoo es season on a show on television i don't believe that 00:50 finally 00:50 final sales figures the killer to be overcoat 00:53 over a million dollars behind in his taxes 01:05 recent medical problems or a little harder for Jerry laughed off 01:08 last June the closure was cheered to method of south for a merchant c surgery 01:13 to get a two-inch chair in his stomach 01:16 ten days later he underwent five of them 01:18 half hour surgery Francis's that developed 01:20 his doctor set the operation had only a five percent survival rate 01:39 while still recovering from surgery jerry lee made headlines during the 01:43 trial of doctor george metropolis 01:45 on the charges against him was over prescribing amphetamines to the killer 01:49 refugees 01:50 problems 01:52 it's being newspapers in the meeting 01:55 and changing the meeting 01:57 impersonate 02:06 Alexandra 02:09 i might add is that 02:12 surprised will go back 02:16 going forward 02:22 farmland 02:34 will ferrell huge three 02:49 duration Japanese teacher in these music 02:53 it's a source of 02:58 him because he's 03:02 movement in the senate 03:05 everything and that is 03:06 police to cut down on the show 03:09 it is fifteen thousand people out there that could charge show 03:15 graphics were fifteen fifty 03:18 they were standing there 03:19 on their seats with june when journey with him 03:23 these are thirteen year old people 03:29 that i have a little bit 03:33 generation 03:37 because the democrats are 03:52 you talk about why he still popular cities 03:55 he's got to say i think it was said in his own 03:57 so it would be brought to you 03:59 finishes up when i was walking what do you mean don't you know 04:01 when we did you show your military issue 04:05 so it really has gotten so 04:07 majorly 04:14 Humboldt Tennessee 04:20 exercise within seventy seven 04:22 jettisoned 04:27 i cannot believe all the people 04:31 to discuss 04:33 red stains 04:42 in Indonesia 05:13 fairhope history 05:34 will never thought i was on the market 05:40 missouri 05:42 damage also really shared by others in the 05:45 at least in part not to 05:48 intermediate maturities certain uh... 05:50 concert dates 05:52 sweet pop records and others to do 05:54 really have to meet in a very effective than ever 05:57 and jamie 05:59 jesse's personal 06:00 andrews communist leader there on the surface in 06:05 rooms in the meantime 06:18 there was nobody in the world 06:21 record played better than any code file because he said so 06:25 never run 06:28 that's exactly right 06:46 living longer this song has nothing but praise for jerry lee lewis 06:54 los angeles home 06:58 he said that the desire 07:13 exile desire as on zero four 07:18 businesses making such a restricting welcome mistaking toppings taking hit 07:23 mistaken 07:25 so many people happy good disorders 07:27 superficial 07:28 flamboyant as procedure is done 07:31 it's just ridiculous that andrew cunanan 07:33 piazza rhythmic 07:35 did not believe it 07:37 you saw the start of the stars is understandable 07:59 are usually