
Phillip Garrido: Man Who Spoke With His Mind

Phillip Garrido: Man Who Spoke With His Mind

Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind


my most famous text to video video of Phillip Garido used in the trial by the FBI, as it documents his crazyass blog the day he was arrested and then taken down. watch and get chills...! The Man Who Spoke With His Mind

Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind. PLEASE NOTE . This is a sample of the DECLARATION OF AFFIRMATION as the originals are photo copied and are not clearly ledge able. This document is to affirm that I·Phillip·Garrido·have clearly demonstrated the ability to control sound with my mind and have developed a device for others to witness this phenomena by using a sound generator to provide the sound and a headphone amplification system device to focus your hearing so as to increase the sensitivity

geo:lat=19.48252 geo:lon=-99.11715 "phillip garrido" "jaycee·dugard" "man who spoke with his mind" mrjyn most famous video "phillip garido" trial FBI documents crazyass blog arrested chills DECLARATION AFFIRMATION control sound mind device witness phenomena increase sensitivity scatomas

Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind -- my most famous text to video video of Phillip Garido used in the trial by the FBI, as it documents his crazyass blog the day he was arrested and then taken down. watch and get chills...! The Man Who Spoke With His Mind Phillip Garrido: The Man Who ...» more Dogmeat



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S'IL VOUS PLAÃŽT NOTE: Watch and obtain shivers ...! http://whatgetsmehot.posterous.com/phillip-garrido-man-who-spoke-with-his-mind ~ Phillip Garrido: L'homme qui parlait de son esprit ~ ~ ~ Phillip Garrido has clearly demonstrated the ability to monitor sound with my wit and have devised one system to another to witness the phenomenon by using a sound generator to power the device ~
famous text from the video video Phillip Garido used in the trial by the FBI, as it must document its crazyass blog on the day he was detained and then taken down.
~ mon texte le plus célèbre de la vidéo vidéo de Phillip Garido utilisé dans le procès par le FBI, car il doit documenter ses crazyass blog le jour où il a été détenu, puis repris vers le bas. regarder et d'obtenir des frissons ...!
Ce sont un exemple de la déclaration sur la demande les originaux sont copiés de et caméras ne sont pas mesure corniche clair. Le document est d'affirmer que je suis · · ·
Phillip Garrido a clairement démontré la capacité de surveiller des sons avec mon esprit et ont mis au point un système à l'autre pour assister à ce phénomène en utilisant un générateur de sons pour alimenter le dispositif de son et un casque un système de sonorisation affiner votre audition de manière à accroître la sensibilité

PLEASE DO NOTE: This is an example of the declaration on the application copied from the originals and cameras are not extent cornice.
The document is to affirm that I am...his headphones and a sound system tune your audition in order to increase susceptibility
geo: lat = 19.48252 geo: lon = -99.11715

"Phillip Garrido" "Jaycee Dugard ·" "l'homme qui a parlé de son esprit» mrjyn vidéo le plus célèbre "Phillip Garido" procès de crazyass documents du FBI blog arrêtés frissons de contrôle des phénomènes déclaration CPS sonores du dispositif de contrôle mental pour augmenter la sensibilité scatoma