
The Perfect American: Elvis-bop-suit

When it was time to go, shook the hand of Elvis arose, and went to the sofa. "Thank you for taking the time to come here," he said. Turning to leave, he stepped back. We hit the fire, pain, and went sprawling, landing flat on his back. Vernon helped him. "I'm right," he said confirmed. He saw a moment of shame at the time, here. GRIN was cocky back then in place.

When it was time to go, shook the hand of Elvis arose, and went to the sofa. "Thank you for taking the time to come here," he said. Turning to leave, he stepped back. We hit the fire, pain, and went sprawling, landing flat on his back. Vernon helped him. "I'm right," he said confirmed. He saw a mome ...» more Dogmeat