
slim wind fingers weave it into cloud

The III. chief class contains 4 hulks.

The armament of the navy consists of Uchatius and Krupp guns, the former of which were made at home.

The contingent of the navy is furnished mostly by the three supply districts of the sea-coast countries. The period of service, is twelve years—four in active service, live in the reserve, and three in the sea defence (Seeivehr). The crews are combined into a sailor corps, which is again resolved into two depots of six companies each. The peace establishment amounts to 6890 men, which is increased in war to 13,752. The corps of sea officers, including the midshipmen, numbers 533 officers and cadets in peace, 757 in war.

The training of the crews—and these are. on the average, schooled seamen—for service on the war ships takes place in the depots, which the sailors afterwards leave for the ships appointed to service. For volunteer youths there is an apprentice school-ship and a mechanical school. Only the artillery and torpedo crews are trained on the various school-ships. The midshipmen are also prepared here for their duties, while the naval academy for higher scientific instruction is at the service of the officers.

The Austro-Hungarian navy does not have foreign stations, yet regular training voyages are made outside of the Mediterranean Sea.

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IT matters little to the winged sprite
That flits and flits the clustered stars among,
What fate befell the useless vesture flung
So sadly earthward at the time of flight.
Eyes dazzled by a sudden flood of light
Cannot look into darkness: hymns are sunjr
In vain for spirit ears, on which has rung
God's perfect music, heard at last aright.
Yet for this worn-out garment seems more fit
Than beak of Parsee bird, or wormy shroud,
Or grinning ages in Egyptian pit,
A chant of merry fire tongues singing loud,
While deft flame fingers shall unravel it.
And slim wind fingers weave it into cloud.

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The III. chief class contains 4 hulks. The armament of the navy consists of Uchatius and Krupp guns, the former of which were made at home. The contingent of the navy is furnished mostly by the three supply districts of the sea-coast countries. The period of service, is twelve years—four in active s ...» more Dogmeat