
Phillip Garrido | The Man Who Spoke With His Mind

Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind
by: mrjyn

my most famous xtranormal text to video video of phillip garirido used in the trial by the FBI, as it documents his crazyass blog the day he was arrested and then taken down. watch and get chills...! The Man Who Spoke With His Mind Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind. PLEASE NOTE . This is a sample of the DECLARATION OF AFFIRMATION as the originals are photo copied and are not clearly ledge able. This document is to affirm that I·Phillip·Garrido·have clearly demonstrated the ability to control sound with my mind and have developed a device for others to witness this phenomena by using a sound generator to provide the sound and a headphone amplification system device to focus your hearing so as to increase the sensitivity

Phillip Garrido: The Man Who Spoke With His Mind by: mrjyn my most famous xtranormal text to video video of phillip garirido used in the trial by the FBI, as it documents his crazyass blog the day he was arrested and then taken down. watch and get chills...! The Man Who Spoke With His Mind Phillip G ...» more Dogmeat