
Jack Bauer is Dead and so are Microformats...thank God! (sorry, Tantek)

Jack Bauer

Counter-Terrorist Unit (Los Angeles Division)

10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
United States

Assorted Contact Methods

If I'm out in the field, you may be better off contacting Chloe O'Brian if it's about work, or ask Tony Almeida if you're interested in the CTU five-a-side football team we're trying to get going.

Update! My new home phone number is 01632 960 123.

Jack Bauer Counter-Terrorist Unit ( Los Angeles Division ) 10201 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90064 United States 34.052339;-118.410623 Assorted Contact Methods +1 (310) 597 3781 work I'm on Wikipedia so you can leave a message on my user talk page. Jack Bauer Facts j.bauer@la.ctu.gov.invalid +1 ( ...» more Dogmeat