
DOGMEAT “Roiling Summer Follies (UpJupe Candid)” plus 19 more

Sexy Summer Follies

(UpJupe Candid)

Watch for the very French Cadid Camera clip at the end where the french girl gets locked out of her apt. and has to climb on men to get into her window with a very short skirt. and ...thanks. i swear to you all if i get one complaint about this sweet summer paen, i will retaliate this time with consecutive cat videos Several reports in the magazine's charm, seduction and sexuality: Spank-tival: mini jerseys this summer. Make me the court ... Te: the hidden camera catches the reactions of passers-by in strange situations.

Sexy Follies (Le Fromage Francais Sexy)

Watch for the very French Cadid Camera clip at the end where the french girl gets locked out of her apt. and has to climb on men to get into her window with a very short skirt. and ...thanks. i swear to you all if i get one complaint about this sweet summer paen, i will retaliate this time with consecutive cat videos Several reports in the magazine's charm, seduction and sexuality: Spank-tival: mini jerseys this summer. Make me the court ... Te: the hidden camera catches the reactions of passers-by in strange situations.
Sexy Summer Follies

Sexy MAILLARD: or how each individual recognizes his eyes bandaged. Ms.

Watch for the very French Cadid Camera clip at the end where the french girl gets locked out of her apt. and has to climb on men to get into her window with a very short skirt. and ...thanks. i swear to you all if i get one complaint about this sweet summer paen, i will retaliate this time with consecutive cat videos Several reports in the magazine's charm , seduction and sexuality: Spank-tival: mini jerseys this summer. Make me the court ... Te: the hidden camera catches the reactions of passers-by in strange situations. - Sexy MAILLARD: or how each individual recognizes his eyes bandaged. Ms.

France: guidance mid mid fig grape France Roche to questions. The convicts the beach: the odd jobs this summer on the beaches ... - Catherine RINGER was bare (the group Rita Mitsuko): portrait of a singer who wants shocking. - Explosive cocktail: extracts from the videos

or films explosive images. - The Discreet Charm of public service: or below more or less sexy staff of A2. - Lolita or inflatable doll. Late show, which presented the Wally program offers three candidates who will present the next program which will be chosen by viewers.

            Plusieurs reportages à ce magazine du charme, de la

            séduction et de la sexualité : - Fesse-tival : les mini maillots de cet été. - Faites moi la cour... Te : la caméra cachée surprend la éaction de passants dans des situations singulières. - Coquin MAILLARD : ou comment chacun reconnaît sa chacune les yeux bandés. -

            Madame France : les conseils mi figue mi raisin de France ROCHE à des questions posées. - Les forçats de la plage : les petits boulots de 'été sur les plages... - Catherine RINGER a nu (du groupe Rita MITSUKO) : autoportrait 'une chanteuse qui se veut choquante. - Cocktail explosif : extraits de clips ou de films aux images explosives. - Le charme discret du service

            public : ou les dessous plus ou moins sexy du personnel 'A2. - Lolita : ou la poupée gonflable. En fin 'émission, Wally qui présentait cette émission propose trois candidates qui présenteront la prochaine émission et qui sera choisie par les éléspectateurs.

Sexy MAILLARD: or how each individual recognizes his eyes bandaged. Ms.

Sexy_folies.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Watch for the very French Cadid Camera clip at the end where the french girl gets locked out of her apt. and has to climb on men to get into her window with a very short skirt. and ...thanks. i swear to you all if i get one complaint about this sweet summer paen, i will retaliate this time with consecutive cat videos Several reports in the magazine's charm , seduction and sexuality: Spank-tival: mini jerseys this summer. Make me the court ... Te: the hidden camera catches the reactions of passers-by in strange situations. - Sexy MAILLARD: or how each individual recognizes his eyes bandaged. Ms.

France: guidance mid mid fig grape France Roche to questions. The convicts the beach: the odd jobs this summer on the beaches ... - Catherine RINGER was bare (the group Rita Mitsuko): portrait of a singer who wants shocking. - Explosive cocktail: extracts from the videos
or films explosive images. - The Discreet Charm of public service: or below more or less sexy staff of A2. - Lolita or inflatable doll. Late show, which presented the Wally program offers three candidates who will present the next program which will be chosen by viewers.
Plusieurs reportages à ce magazine du charme, de la
séduction et de la sexualité : - Fesse-tival : les mini maillots de cet été. - Faites moi la cour... Te : la caméra cachée surprend la éaction de passants dans des situations singulières. - Coquin MAILLARD : ou comment chacun reconnaît sa chacune les yeux bandés. -
Madame France : les conseils mi figue mi raisin de France ROCHE à des questions posées. - Les forçats de la plage : les petits boulots de 'été sur les plages... - Catherine RINGER a nu (du groupe Rita MITSUKO) : autoportrait 'une chanteuse qui se veut choquante. - Cocktail explosif : extraits de clips ou de films aux images explosives. - Le charme discret du service
public : ou les dessous plus ou moins sexy du personnel 'A2. - Lolita : ou la poupée gonflable. En fin 'émission, Wally qui présentait cette émission propose trois candidates qui présenteront la prochaine émission et qui sera choisie par les éléspectateurs.

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Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:24 PM PDT


If a man is beating you with a whip and you love the whip, what is he doing to you? (Story of the Blog) quotation by Charles Manson as spoken to Terry Melcher

This blog is more than the original format today. Categorize me, blogapedia. I copy and heir presentation, but then I DERANGE.

What Gets Me Hot?

Not smooth collaboration between operators, or tapping the next big thing. It is my online registered peregrination, combined therapy and representative daily use in a collective way, as a stranger each time.

What Gets Me Hot?

absurdity in equal parts, uneven juxtaposition of subject expressed infrequently and non-editorial swagger! 

read below for what they've said

40. 41. 4264.

Gullybogan Said: He calls his blog The Perfect American, and there is something very Gatsby about it all, do not you think?

Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance Ltd. video-only blog has risen from the ashes to become...[::] which kind of rollllls off the tongue, don't you think?...the mastermind is the delightfully batshit crazy owner of THE完 PERFECT完 AMERICANな.
So, I'm over looking at The Perfect American, in awe of the whole scene, the style the volume, the insanity, which to the uninitiated, is a roiling vortex of lust for the illness called Rock n' Roll. It's a journey.
76. LEX10 [GLYPHJOCKEY] December 01, 2007
On May 17, 2008 at 1:00 am gullybogan Said:
It's OK, mrjyn is still in business, ripping off ppl's content to further line his pockets with spamcash; he just frigged up his link with an @ instead of a dot. Here is an excerpt from his latest post.
"We were told the Coca Cola autobiography good terms environing circumstances re the soberness string exclusive of the pitch-1800s which Analects sleep-inducer like the topping somber, ignoring arm guard medicines and tonics simulacrum proportionately cola. Multitudinous combinations as regards caffeine, heart, anodyne and unrelated drugs were purveyed upon the delectation upon Narrow age consumers."
I reckon he's some unattractive lost soul who speaks little or no English, and is trying to save enough money from his splog to pay for a penis enlargement operation, so he can become a porn star.
He calls his blog 'the perfect american', and there is something very Gatsby about it all, don't you think?
On May 17, 2008 at 1:25 am nursemyra Said:
yep, that's him gullybogan. I toyed with adding his link so readers could see how reprehensible he is but doesn't that mean he'll get more visitors which is what he wants?
meanwhile I've fashioned a wax doll in his likeness and am busy sticking in pins and chopping off bits
. 43. 63. 84. 85. 86.
44. 45.
rambling sweetness dante video cliche mistress resembling lifeless deserving despondent appreciative whore entrusted mourned dissemination bargains postscript artistry perversely parable bloated swedish anonymous diary dump user archives renewal reviewed reviews kinda dormant thirsty glenn thanks invitation genius link paste readers consistently begging tops export posted curse crazy thank michael rival comment pity perfect considers visual messages unfortunately damn popularity rider corners delivered shocked glad guest okay reply band dirt appreciation posts ultimately douglas explicit excited originally honored biggest announcement grateful post positive inspired appreciate guidance seconds tuesday movie check comments bull movies selling accident hell thoughts dear sympathy meets keys hurt random emergency handed regardless copy decide missed describe favorite placed lovely promise maybe equivalent lights singing expenses song sorry accepted knows advertising original eventually silence reality author entitled loved truly finds daily metal billion style beautiful credit myself realized Gander Mull Toss Spew observation rambling insight Crazy World Insane Thoughts rambling ideas Two Worlds Collide...

I am honored, esp. because my style of posting time is not really grounded in something resembling reality, but I promise not to curse or add explicit porn. - tpa

When bloggers blog it is that nobody would stand on street corners and mumble.
But we are not crazy.
Or are we?
If no one is there, or if there is an audience, how will we know?
There is a major emergency in our bloated and full but unfulfilled desire for all things all the time appreciating nothing more than another.
57. 58.
The accident was not our water BUT our well running dry.
A cliche is a cliche [Which is an ITERATION] because it is the best way to describe something that everybody considers at the same time with less original well-placed words.
This is one of the occasions when going thirsty after a deep source of the sky rain is just cliche of missed water, but as everyone knows...YOU can only live three days tops without a drink: a cliche that is Parable that is moral to the story of a blog.
Regardless of how many Bergman movies your girlfriend has described to you; no matter you do not need to see...

"You may have been wrong"

Maybe when she asked you, you needed them for you, not for her. Perhaps ultimately it did not work with you two

[perhaps she was still begging, and you like it]. 61.

Maybe you need to see a Bergman film, or all of them [Which is an analogy to read my blog]!


rambling sweetness dante video cliche mistress resembling lifeless deserving despondent appreciative whore entrusted mourned dissemination bargains postscript artistry perversely parable bloated swedish anonymous diary dump user archives renewal reviewed reviews kinda dormant thirsty glenn thanks invitation genius link paste readers consistently begging tops export posted curse crazy thank michael rival comment pity perfect considers visual messages unfortunately damn popularity rider corners delivered shocked glad guest okay reply band dirt appreciation posts ultimately douglas explicit excited originally honored biggest announcement grateful post positive inspired appreciate guidance seconds tuesday movie check comments bull movies selling accident hell thoughts dear sympathy meets keys hurt random emergency handed regardless copy decide missed describe favorite placed lovely promise maybe equivalent lights singing expenses song sorry accepted knows advertising original eventually silence reality author entitled loved truly finds daily metal billion style beautiful credit myself realized Gander Mull Toss Spew observation rambling insight Crazy World Insane Thoughts rambling ideas Two Worlds Collide...

Gullybogan Said: He calls his blog The Perfect American, and there is something very Gatsby about it all, do not you think?

"You may have been wrong"
Maybe when she asked you, you needed them for you, not for her. Perhaps ultimately it did not work with you two

[perhaps she was still begging, and you like it].
Maybe you need to see a Bergman film, or all of them [Which is an analogy to read my blog]!

Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance Ltd. video-only blog has risen from the ashes to become...[::] which kind of rollllls off the tongue, don't you think?...the mastermind is the delightfully batshit crazy owner of THE完 PERFECT完 AMERICANな.
So, I'm over looking at The Perfect American, in awe of the whole scene, the style the volume, the insanity, which to the uninitiated, is a roiling vortex of lust for the illness called Rock n' Roll. It's a journey.
LEX10 [GLYPHJOCKEY] December 01, 2007
On May 17, 2008 at 1:00 am gullybogan Said:
It's OK, mrjyn is still in business, ripping off ppl's content to further line his pockets with spamcash; he just frigged up his link with an @ instead of a dot. Here is an excerpt from his latest post.
"We were told the Coca Cola autobiography good terms environing circumstances re the soberness string exclusive of the pitch-1800s which Analects sleep-inducer like the topping somber, ignoring arm guard medicines and tonics simulacrum proportionately cola. Multitudinous combinations as regards caffeine, heart, anodyne and unrelated drugs were purveyed upon the delectation upon Narrow age consumers."
I reckon he's some unattractive lost soul who speaks little or no English, and is trying to save enough money from his splog to pay for a penis enlargement operation, so he can become a porn star.
He calls his blog 'the perfect american', and there is something very Gatsby about it all, don't you think?
On May 17, 2008 at 1:25 am nursemyra Said:
yep, that's him gullybogan. I toyed with adding his link so readers could see how reprehensible he is but doesn't that mean he'll get more visitors which is what he wants?
meanwhile I've fashioned a wax doll in his likeness and am busy sticking in pins and chopping off bits


Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:15 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:13 PM PDT

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:10 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:08 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:04 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:03 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:02 PM PDT

Check out this website I found at urbandictionary.com

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:02 PM PDT

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:01 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:00 PM PDT

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:59 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:58 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:58 PM PDT

Remember the blonde parade that has been recently held in Minsk? On that day, the team of pretty blonde nurses took part in a photo shoot. The photographer tried to bring to life fantasies that usually occur in men’s minds when they think about nurses… With slight erotic overtones and, most importantly, humor!



Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:57 PM PDT
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:57 PM PDT

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:55 PM PDT

Check out this website I found at mrjyn.blogspot.com

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:54 PM PDT

Check out this website I found at bit.ly

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:53 PM PDT
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10 Jun 2011 09:25 AM PDT   Sexy Summer Follies (UpJupe Candid) Watch for the very French Cadid Camera clip at the end where the french girl gets locked out of her apt. and has to climb on men to get into her window with a very short skirt. and ...thanks. i swear to you all if i get one complaint abo ...» more Dogmeat