
Cops use spike strip to stop fleeing junkies

http://whatgetsmehot.posterous.com/tiger-escape-shuts-down-miami-zoo A Miami zoo was closed for an hour after a Bengal tiger jumped out of its cage. Staffers at Jungle Island zoo believe tiger escaped gibbon that had also escaped its cage. The three-year-old tiger was recaptured after staff evacuated the grounds. Four visitors suffered minor injuries. Originally only on YouTube, our search-friendly website is a one-stop platform for all of our daily vids. As previously announced, we are working on making available in English a selection of our daily animated news reports from Taiwan. Bookmark our new site! Welcome to NMA tv -- Bengal escape tiger Miami zoo "Jungle Island zoo" gibbon cage escaped spotting jumped captured NMA.tv Taiwan Animation English cage visitors suffered minor injuries evacuated daily animated YouTube mrjyn yt:quality=high limbsandthings1 youweirdtube

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