
Haitian zombie

Like zombies in China, like zombies in Haiti terrible and mysterious. But with the Chinese zombies The difference is that witch doctors in Haiti (Bokor) would seize the victim's part of the soul to create zombies. They have no self-consciousness, no thought, became a shaman slaves. According to Haitian folklore, there is no danger of these zombies do not like a film Luanyao people, unless you eat it with salt!

Because salt can make it regained consciousness. After the zombie attack making its usually a shaman, or return to the burial ground and died. In order to find substantive evidence to explain or confirm this phenomenon, the researchers spent a lot of time recording many stories and rumors, but still no solution.

In 1980, rural Haiti, there was a man. He said he was the Sith ‧ Clay Travis (Clairvius Narcisse), 1962 Nian 5 Yue 2 died at Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Haiti. It is presumed Sith describe their perception of death there, but could not move.

He even saw the doctor take sheets covered his face. After that Heath called a witch doctor saved him and let him become a zombie, in a sugar cane for a few years of the Living Dead made slaves.

For those born Sith disease and death records, the hospital has a file. For their own family and childhood, he is also fluent, so that the families of the Sith and researchers agree that he is a resurrection of the zombies, but also evidence of the existence of the Haitian zombie.

In 1980, had just been discovered that the Sith (at the time or the Land of the Dead)

That mysterious Sith "resurrection" and become the driving force of the Haitian zombie research projects, beginning in 1982, ethnobotanist and anthropologist Dr. David then traveled to Haiti in various places, hoping to find there zombies in Haiti reasons.

Dr. David speculated, that the dead and Risen Sith "zombie corpse experience" is caused by a drug may be used for health care, especially in the field of anesthesia. Davis collected in four regions in Haiti, eight samples of these zombie agents. Their composition is not uniform, but seven of which contain the following four components,

1, one or more of the puffer fish neurotoxin
2, a sea toad (giant toad), can produce many toxic substances
3, a tree frog (Hyla bone meters) can secrete a kind of irritant, but non-lethal substances.
4, human remains.

The use of tetrodotoxin caused Davis's attention, because the toxin can cause paralysis and death, poisoning until death on the eve of the general perception is there. Paralysis so that they can not respond to the stimulus, which is that the Sith description of the circumstances of their deaths are very similar. In addition, doctors have recorded such a case, uptake of tetrodotoxin looks like it's died, but eventually a full recovery.

Tetrodotoxin poisoning There are currently no specific antidote, but because of the presence of internal detoxification and excretion of toxins fast, if not eight hours after the onset of death, more than to restore. Therefore, once found poisoned as soon as possible to give a variety of detoxification treatment measures.

If we allow zombie salt, salt, sodium content can not be the solution of tetrodotoxin, much less risen!

Davis inference is that some zombies pharmaceutical use, will stimulate the victim's skin and make the skin produce lacerations. Then, the toxin can enter the blood, paralysis and make it appear the victim died. Family, his burial, the witch doctor and then dug up from the grave.

If all goes well, "poison" effect dissipated because the cultures and beliefs, resulting in the victim think they are a zombie. Some also said that witch doctors in Haiti for feeding zombies paste slurry that contains locally known as "zombie cucumber" of the Mandala. This mandala can lead people to the body fever, hallucination, and the symptoms of forgetfulness, so that the victim is more easy to believe that he is indeed changed.

But other researchers have questioned the original "zombie agents" experiment is scientific basis, and whether the "zombie agents," Lane added to other substances, good confirmation, "zombie" can be resurrected years after the poisoning theory.

That Sith 2009

Mysteries of the Haitian Zombie seems to remain unsolved, but the Haitian government had foreseen concrete action. 1835 seems to be a penalty for the manufacture of zombies commencement of the Ordinance. "Haiti Penal Code" Article 246 stipulates that people a long time if you use a substance in a sleeping state, and not resulting in death, is considered attempted murder.

If the substance led to the victim's death or burial, the conduct Jibei classified as murder.

Jie Mi Haitian zombie movie (02:38)

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