
Facebook Colors Cause: CANCER

Facebook ColorsFacebook Colors

Today when I logged onto my account on Facebook, I saw an interesting thing…FaceBook colors. I wondered what are these facebook colors? I started to surf internet to find out the mistry behind Facebook colors.
Facebook status for several users’ is colourful. I didn’t know, what is this all about…so decided to inquire a little more about Facebook colors.
The question raised in my mind is why only women are updating their status using colors.
I noticed that many of my female friends have set their status as black, white and pink, the thing got kind of weird when I saw one of my close friends status as red.
It was then that I came to know the mystery behind Facebook colors. The trend spread all across Facebook, calling only women to post the color in their facebook status. “color of their Bra”.
The status on Facebook shows every color from black to white and
from red to polka dot. All these facebook colors, is part of a campaign, meant to raise awareness of breast cancer in women.
It is unknown whose idea it was ore where it started from, but I must admit this campaign did created a buzz all over the World Wide Web.
These facebook colors are not only amusing people but also spreading awareness about the breast cancer among thousands of women worldwide.
It is nice to know that only colors could make difference in spreading awareness, not only for breast cancer but in general. Colors of life are the most important thing….do not let them fade out.
Facebook Colors
Facebook Colors
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