
Tiger Woods (cunt.) Golfing-Affair-Man: Hat-An-Party Like it's 911! TRANSCRIPT (VIDEO) Mother , Law, Date Planner

Tiger Woods (cunt.) 
Hat-An-Party Like it's 911!
Mother , Law, Date Planner Tiger's on the prowl ... Golfer chats up a scantily-clad blonde cocktail waitress at Tao - the Las Vegas club where Rachel Uchtiel and Kalika Moquin used to work - on a night out in October

Tiger Woods Golf-mum-in-law is rushed to hospital yesterday's it was revealed the golf legend's car crash Had been linked to a possible drug overdose.

Swedish politician Bar-bro Holmberg mother of his cheated wife.

Sandtrap: Elin: Endorsement collapsed the family mansion in Florida.

Listen to the frantic emergency call.

And his troubles have deepened his money-spinning soft drink brand ditch.

Tiger has been reeling from seven beauties that he bedded, thematic sportswomen-all in a row, claiming the total is at least below par and at most Bogie.

The mistresses began to emerge after Tiger crashed his motor while driving away from his Orlando home following a bust-up with his jealous wife, Sandtrap Elin.

A frantic call from a woman believed to be

Sandtrap Elin was released last night.

The caller screaming:

My mum has just collapsed.

She collapsed in the bathroom.

What shall I do?

Tiger Woods! Tiger Woods!

The call continues (Operatically)

911: Is she breathing?

Caller: I just ran to the phone.

Hold on.

Pause as caller checks.

Caller: S-she's fine. I heard her fall and then ran in here.

Barbro was at first described as being ON advanced life-support orders, but was released afterhours.

A hospital spokesman said she ain't in good condition.

Barbro is a Swedish Social Democrat politician-governor-travelogue-writer from a County in the east of Sweden.

She has been in Florida confronting her daughter since she confronted her son-in-law about his flings prior to her collapse.

WEDNESDAY'S paper was Allegoric

Tiger Woods golfing-affair-Man-hat-an- party-ist

1st Mouthorgan: Rachel Uchtiel

Friday: He crashes his Cadillac SUV yards from his Florida home.

Sandtrap Elin used a golf club to smash his windows for free.

Saturnalia is said to have happened after a row with his wife.

Tiger refused cops.

Whitsunday: Uchitel denies relationship with him.

TUESDAY: Tiger Charged with dangerous driving and fined $'s & £'s.

WEDNESDAY: THE Grubby cocktail waitress is said to Have Had Affairs with a mom-load of golfers.

Las Vegas events promoter: 2nd Hole: Kalika: Mouthlover.

Woods: apologia, transgressors, personality-sins!


Tiger's 1st Hole: Rachel Uchtiel sweaters out of a press conference in which she was expected to admit they had fair-parking par L'Amour.

Woods bought her silence for £'s & $'s.

SUNDAY: Tiger Too-Billionaire Conquest: Irreversible  sexy lingerie model: Jamie Junkers and Florida waitress:  7th Hole: Mindy Lawton.


Tigers sixth and seventh HOLEs named Mrs. New York model Cori Rist and  porn star Holly Sampson


Tiger-tiger's mother-in-law is rushed to hospital.
which brings the total to nine holes--not a bad course.

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