The USofA doesn't really get into pulling crackers for Christmas which is a great shame as they make banging noises and the natives round here are usually into anything which bangs (be it animal, vegetable (?), or mineral). But to those of you not versed in Christmas crackers a few brief words of explanation.
To quote wikipedia....
"A cracker consists of a cardboard tube wrapped in a brightly decorated twist of paper, making it resemble an oversized sweet-wrapper. The cracker is pulled by two people, and, much in the manner of a wishbone, the cracker splits unevenly. The split is accompanied by a small bang produced by the effect of friction on a chemically impregnated card strip (similar to that used in a cap gun)."
Inside the cracker is a paper hat, a really bloody awful joke, and a novelty of some sort. In decent crackers it is rumoured you can get useful things, jewels and the like. In the more usual crackers you get some plastic novelty that will give you lead poisoning if you happen to lick your fingers after handling it.
The hat has to be worn, giving intense pleasure to one and all.....
So...hat, joke, novelty. But not often a corpse. That's what Betty Lawrence of Invercargill in New Zealand found in hers. She pulled the cracker at her family gathering and was slightly surprised to find a dead and partly decomposed mouse in her part of the cracker. Now, I think it's fair to assume that it's not the joke or the novelty unless she'd bought the Marks and Spencer Dadaist Christmas Selection. So are there photos somewhere of Betty sporting her dead mouse in a jaunty manner? That I'd like to see.Welcome to the "paper hat" gifts page from CartoonStock. Any of these cartoons (subject to the above) can be bought as prints/originals or printed on the merchandise at the bottom of this page. Follow the links at the bottom of this page to search for gifts on other topics or to purchase reproduction rights for any of these images.
Paper Hat gift image 1
Everyone was wearing their Christmas Cracker hats (or is that "poppers" now?)
Paper Hat
Dad with the hat from his Christmas Cracker.
English & Scottish tradition has Crackers on the table. Every cracker is filled with a paper hat, a fortune or joke, and a small toy or charm.
It's tradition to wear the hats during dinner.
Paper Hat
Paper Hat gift image 4 - catalog reference bkrn186
Paper Hat gift image 5 - catalog reference bkrn187
"Did our request for different safety hats get approval?"
My dad with a Christmas cracker hat on